How do you better your relationship with God?

I always pray late because of my classes and work. I tend to get depressed then expose my problems to fake people who judge me when I could be exposing my issues to God and my family and trying to find solutions. I feel empty most of the time. Ramadan I was surrounded by toxic people who didn’t respect that I was fasting. I want to better myself and become closer to Allah. Do you have any advice. What should I do and what should I avoid. Also how do you implement the laws of Islam in your life...for example you can’t just pray but then go around being a backstabber or doing unislamic things. Thank you!
Seek Islamic knowledge. Go to lessons in masaajid, watch online lectures and make notes, read Quran and tafseer. Read ahaadith. Buy Islamic books.
Seek Islamic knowledge. Go to lessons in masaajid, watch online lectures and make notes, read Quran and tafseer. Read ahaadith. Buy Islamic books.
for haadith im confused why are there so many like bukhari and etc etc...are some less reputable than others?
for haadith im confused why are there so many like bukhari and etc etc...are some less reputable than others?
Bukhari and Muslim are like 99.9% authentic, the other boooks are like 90% authentic, the amount of hadith aare like 50,000, which is why you learn hadith with a Islamic teacher while watching lectures while reading islamic books,
Seeking Islamic knowledge makes everything in the deen 10x easier


Quite the Islamist.
for haadith im confused why are there so many like bukhari and etc etc...are some less reputable than others?
There is something called science of Hadith. Bukhari had a strict method..he didn't record narration from just anyone. That is why his work is rated high.

Schedule your day around your Salah. I take my breaks at work and would get out of class to pray. It takes 10 minutes you are not missing much I promise you. I remember watching a video a long time ago wish I could remember the link but the imam was giving dawah in a masjid and made an analogy it was something like “imagine a person everyday giving you $240 for free every single day and you don’t have to do anything, all they ask is you give them $10 back. It’s a good deal right. You would do it? What about Allah. Everyday he gives us 24 hours to live, can you not give him 10 minutes of your time to stop what you are doing and pray Salah. There are 5 prays so 10 x 5 = 50 but let’s just round it to 1 hour. Allah gives you 24 hours in one day, can you not give 1 hour back to him”. When i tell you that pierced my heart so hard. 😭
Who are we to rush Salah when Allah is the owner of time.

Cry your heart out in sujood sis. My sisters will tell me I can talk or vent to them when they know I’m going through something but I always decline because realistically I know they can not do anything to change my situation. The only person who can is Allah.

Honestly, try and limit talking to others if you find they are not speaking good. Do unto others what you would like down unto you. Be conscious of Allah and remember the angels are recording everything. Watch lots of lectures and videos on youtube. Listen to islamic podcasts and stop listening to music. Know what you can change (i.e the content you consume, your actions, your speech) and try to change your environment.
I always pray late because of my classes and work. I tend to get depressed then expose my problems to fake people who judge me when I could be exposing my issues to God and my family and trying to find solutions. I feel empty most of the time. Ramadan I was surrounded by toxic people who didn’t respect that I was fasting. I want to better myself and become closer to Allah. Do you have any advice. What should I do and what should I avoid. Also how do you implement the laws of Islam in your life...for example you can’t just pray but then go around being a backstabber or doing unislamic things. Thank you!
Good question abaayo! Many of us go through similar challenges. The other posters mentioned many wonderful things to do. I have only one thing to add.

Dua (including yaqeen and tawakkul). It has gotten me through many hardships.

…The need to talk to someone is natural sis. The hard part is deciphering who is worth talking or sharing sensitive information with.
Stay away from bad people. Having no company is better than bad company. Our prophet scw said that a person has the same religion as his friend, so be careful who you take as your friend. No matter what happens never stop praying. Even if you are constantly sinning you should never leave the salaah or stop repenting. Try to pray the sunnah prayers and salaatul layl too unless its too hard for you. Stop listening to music and watching movies. When you want to listen to something, listen to quraan. When you want to watch something then watch something that is good like islamic videos on youtube. Do your best to gain knowledge of our religion and try to memorize quraan, even if it's just a little everyday. And remember to make a lot of dua. May Allaah guide you and us.
thanks everyone for your kind words and advice!! i always wake up naturally at 1 am for some reason so ive been doing qiyam prayers and tahajjud. i will implement all the advice you’ve given me and attempt to seek more islamic knowledge. i think its refreshing to know that i can change myself and allah will know im trying to change and will make it easier for me!! may Allah bless all of you❤️❤️ @Taij4an @Interested @Zaamzaam @Cajiib @Badboy4life


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