Rural regions are more autonomous and have more secessionist tendencies but that's because the government doesn't have the necessary resources to control them hence they oppress them and limit access to resources. Good luck trying to develop resources in the hinterlands.
Larger cities like Jijiga are fully under the control of Addis. It's an open air prison where you have to swear fealty to the Xabashi government before you eat and it's tradition to tell everyone you meet how much you hate ONLF every day.
At least that's how I saw it last time I visited.
Larger cities like Jijiga are fully under the control of Addis. It's an open air prison where you have to swear fealty to the Xabashi government before you eat and it's tradition to tell everyone you meet how much you hate ONLF every day.
At least that's how I saw it last time I visited.