How do most K5 somali’s feel about being under ethiopian rule?


It's all so tiresome
Rural regions are more autonomous and have more secessionist tendencies but that's because the government doesn't have the necessary resources to control them hence they oppress them and limit access to resources. Good luck trying to develop resources in the hinterlands.

Larger cities like Jijiga are fully under the control of Addis. It's an open air prison where you have to swear fealty to the Xabashi government before you eat and it's tradition to tell everyone you meet how much you hate ONLF every day.

At least that's how I saw it last time I visited.
Interestingly enough most of the ones I've spoken to want an independent Ogadenia, free from both Somalia and Ethiopia. The rest obviously choose Somalia and a minority prob want to remain under Ethiopia.

Jigjiga and Dire Dawa have developed very well (apart from the violence) maybe even more than Muqdisho. There's something the Ethiopian government must be doing right

That’s what I’m saying, Ethiopian federalism >>>> Somali Buuq
On the side note, there is some stability in the region which then has allowed for some development(could be unequal in distribution ). That is the only good thing about their presence.


Death Awaits You
My father side of the family are from k5. tbh they get better benefits being under Ethiopian rule. Now that Ethiopia is developing, they have schools and emergency care in rural areas.
Two Somalis tribes were fighting there today over a barren piece of uninhabited dust. Why can’t they fight together and fight those who oppress them so they can become free?
I swear it is hard to understand Somalis.
The sijus dont want be part of Somalia :mjlol: They're rich as hell, decently represented in the government and united when it comes down to serious issues. Theres somali kenyans from nearly every tribe and some will tell you they are kenyan :stopit:
reer Gheeto want to be Kenyans.
While reer cabudwaaq want to be Ethiopian.
Yet we see somali "nationalists" among reer quule what an irony.
Most want to be their own state or autonomous status within Ethiopia. Only an idiot would want to join the pandora’s box called Somalia
Kenyan Somalis are buffoons and butlers to the Kenyan Bantus. They are a disgrace.

I also hate when they speak in that Bantu derived pidgin English. They sound so retarded.
I hate it. They are in our regions only to exploite our natural resources while giving little back and to influence the neighboring somali states as I believe it is in their interest for the somalis to be weak and unstable. It would be a dream to gain independence but I can't see it happening unless Ethiopia disintegrates.

I despise those proud Somali 'Kenyans', even more than those that claims ethiopian. They are treated worse than us and are harassed regularly yet they try too hard to be accepted.

Something weird about Somali Kenyans is that they were always pro Kenya. They use to hustle with the Madows way before the war to rob somalis that would be in Nairobi for transit. They’re pretty much exactly like the Madows now I’d imagine. The HIV rate is probably the highest in all Somali regions as well.
From the little I know, they seem to be the most separatist compared to Kenyan Somalis.
Sadly I’ve seen many somali coons from Kenya I even saw one say “f*ck somalia” and went off about how Somalia doesn’t care about its people compared to Kenya :i83dwbv:
Those are usually the suijus from Nairobi, who hardly speak Somali but Swahili and been there for generations. Not Somalis from NFD who are no diff to other Somalis.

Not to say all the Suijus from Nairobi are like that either.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
I hate it. They are in our regions only to exploite our natural resources while giving little back and to influence the neighboring somali states as I believe it is in their interest for the somalis to be weak and unstable. It would be a dream to gain independence but I can't see it happening unless Ethiopia disintegrates.

I despise those proud Somali 'Kenyans', even more than those that claims ethiopian. They are treated worse than us and are harassed regularly yet they try too hard to be accepted.
As much as I want independence as the next guy, let me clear some things up as guy who's family live in the K5. The area we live in is kind of dry but known for salt mines, which my family happily extracts and sells. They don't pay tax and pretty much govern themselves. Now you're telling me we would have the peace and stability if that area was part of Somalia? The Ethiopian government has a large army base near Ferfer and are responsive in terms of ameliorating any issues.
As much as I want independence as the next guy, let me clear some things up as guy who's family live in the K5. The area we live in is kind of dry but known for salt mines, which my family happily extracts and sells. They don't pay tax and pretty much govern themselves. Now you're telling me we would have the peace and stability if that area was part of Somalia? The Ethiopian government has a large army base near Ferfer and are responsive in terms of ameliorating any issues.
I did not say that you have to be part of Somalia if you don't want to be under ethiopian rule. I also have family from Galbeed and there is oil or gas around the city that I am from. The ethiopian government wants to take most of the revenue and give it to the Chinese while giving us a small share.

Are you dir by any chance since you are from ferfer? :cosbyhmm:I have always wondered for how is it for the people in the south. Does your people get enough representation in the kilinka?

