Grigori Rasputin
Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is very difficult.
They’ve never known of each other.
I must take care of this.
Oh lord forgive me! Oh lord I have not murdered, looted, waged war, uprooted, confiscated homes like Somali politicians.
oh lord I’m not like RUSHEEYE who is collecting money from the needy with charlatan practices.
oh lord I do pray my salat. I have corrected my ways.
oh lord please heal me of fornication.
I condemn you xaliimos for wearing tight clothes.
They’ve never known of each other.
I must take care of this.
Oh lord forgive me! Oh lord I have not murdered, looted, waged war, uprooted, confiscated homes like Somali politicians.
oh lord I’m not like RUSHEEYE who is collecting money from the needy with charlatan practices.
oh lord I do pray my salat. I have corrected my ways.
oh lord please heal me of fornication.
I condemn you xaliimos for wearing tight clothes.