How do I get curly hair?

Been lookin through some old photos and a friend who is Somali had afro type hair during secondary school and now he be having curly ass hair that’s just smooth af.

I looked through YT but it’s basically guides for Madows which I tried, but isn’t working. My hair is afro-ish too, especially when I pick it out or comb it, but hella curly when I condition it, it just doesn’t stay like that. My brother’s hair does though.

You gotta use that Spanish stuff akhi

So smooth:diddyass:


Dsavv is a fucking muppet
you cant if you got Madow hair fr but try using leave in conditioner and wetting your hair every day
Return to the womb and have a reroll of the gene pool. If you are somali, you have a good chance of coming out with curly hair.


If you don’t actually have Madow hair and just have dry undefined curls, use hair masks and conditioners and stuff.
If your hair’s actually Madow, do those stuff too to keep it soft but just accept that it’ll never be curly unless you texlax or something (even then, any new hair you grow will be Madow again).
put in leave-in conditioner (or any moisturizing product)

then the important part you're missing:
a little of product to keep the curls defined (gel [best option], mousse, pudding, smoothie, etc.)
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