How come countries with no natural resources rich?


The most hated man in here
It’s impossible for country to be self dependent for some degree without raw material. What I mean a lot of European countries suppose to be dirt poor like France,Italy and Germany because they lack in raw materials and are dependent on other countries for it, like Africa, China and Australia. This system is rigged from the beginning to make some countries who are poor rich like France and rich country like Chana with a lot of natural resources poor.


E pluribus unum

Europeans made us of what resources they had to colonize the rest of the world and take their resources, and they built a system in which they can continue to take their resources without it technically being colonization.

Europeans made us of what resources they had to colonize the rest of the world and take their resources, and they built a system in which they can continue to take their resources without it technically being colonization.

How do you explain Scandinavia who is relatively rich despite barely participating in colonizations?


The most hated man in here

Europeans made us of what resources they had to colonize the rest of the world and take their resources, and they built a system in which they can continue to take their resources without it technically being colonization.
Do you know Niger before coup was selling uranium 1kg no more than 84 cent and right after coup start selling it for France 1kg more than 200 dollars. It’s the corrupt leaders that are dragging Africa behind.
Good question.

I don't know.

For example, Sweden lost a quarter (!!!) of their population to migration to north America in the late 19 and early 20th until WW1 due to being dirt poor. Likewise, in the other Scandinavian countries.

The simple answer is industrialization. During this time they there were a large demand inside these countries and abroad of industrial products, which is when they started taking advantage of their resources and profited from it, and in turn developed their countries at a rapid speed. Along with exploiting other industries on a mass scale like agriculture.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Every country has natural resources some either depleted theirs and/or too wealthy to engage in risky environmental deterioration such as fracking, offshore oil, strip mining for uranium and rare earth elements

Also agriculture and livestock are natural resources, France and Italy have highly specialized agricultural industry that focused on low input high value and demand agricultural products such as grapes, olives, cheeses etc


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Phoenicians and Etruscans mined iron on the Italian peninsula

Rome was mining France for copper and iron for centuries
Having a service-based economy topeducation, and technological development are key components in building your economy. Understand that when you raise the price of a commodity, you are creating massive pressure for disruption. Once we are able to mine asteroid all these technology critical elements will become irrelevant.

Kind of like how America was able to reduce Saudi Arabia's importance with fracking and renewable energy. The only way to protect your economy is to identify areas of disruption and lead the way.


It’s impossible for country to be self dependent for some degree without raw material. What I mean a lot of European countries suppose to be dirt poor like France,Italy and Germany because they lack in raw materials and are dependent on other countries for it, like Africa, China and Australia. This system is rigged from the beginning to make some countries who are poor rich like France and rich country like Chana with a lot of natural resources poor.
Corruption in all facets of government. Our politicians are selling us out for pennies without shame :noneck:

