Horta while everyone talks about their home-state and claim it's achievement why does certain communities obsess themselves with National Politics???

I noticed that those with no national states (looma oyaans as Somalis call them) who are mostly from Gedo claim anything like national army, projects and achievement as their own achievement when the reality is that it's a collective achievement and ownership.

There is fellow by the name of @cow who deludingly believes his abo farmaajo is some of eternal ruler and that all of Somalia belong to its clan.

Someone need to wake this fellow up and remind him that Somalia is Confederacy and he should claim Gedo's achievements only and not national achievements.


lol, the homeless looma oyaal is you. this is how qoor qoor got installed in dhusamareeb. remember i will always be your overlord in galmudug i will pick who becomes galmudug president and the moment he disobeys i will kick him out.

and you gaajo clan does not contribute anything, they only know how to loot and ambush civilians

