Hon.Farah Maalin Dawara new interview exposes Farmaajo administration

Farah macalim is enjoying the Somalia tax payers money.

He is like Duqbilow.
Farmajo is a failure.
He has shamed Aabo Siyaad legacy.

Faarax Macalim is mode Wadani than the entire 275 Somali Parliament. I see you only like the Khaains from your tribe.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Faarax Macalim is mode Wadani than the entire 275 Somali Parliament. I see you only like the Khaains from your tribe.
Farah Macalin is as self serving as other Somali tribes but unlike them he's an idiot in the media and says what's politically popular at any given time.
I just turned that shit off after a few minutes this nigga is a dhabodilif of the highest order. The beef between Somalis and Ethiopia is over land and nothing else. Ethiopia is not returning that land but somehow they are pro somalia now. Ninkan waa ideological faqash. He knows neither NFD nor SG will be returned and wants to do the siad barre deal of 1986 of saying we will not challenge the land but help us colonise somalia. Farmajo Wuxu shiraako lagalay abiye ahmed inu sida Abdi Iley kursiga ugu hayo and nothing more.

