Hitler and muslims during WW2


Mr Salko Vehabovic...



👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
true most fought for the allies but the point is to talk abou those that fought for hitler and the reich
Somalis fought against each other.

For what? For a couple of points from the colonisers.

I'd rather be under Mussolini than Churchill though.:banderas:

Churchill called the Somalis mad dogs.
It should be said that the Bosniak Handzar division was formed on Bosniak initiative and out of necessity, due to atrocities against Bosniak civilians carried out by serbian chetnik militia in the countryside of Bosnia, Herzegowina and the Sandzak region in todays serbia and momtenegro.


It should be said that the Bosniak Handzar division was formed on Bosniak initiative and out of necessity, due to atrocities against Bosniak civilians carried out by serbian chetnik militia in the countryside of Bosnia, Herzegowina and the Sandzak region in todays serbia and momtenegro.
wait monteniggas can fight ???

