Historia Civilis


Ted Kaczynski respecter
Not at all related to Somali history, but has anyone else here watched his videos on youtube?


Ted Kaczynski respecter
I watched one about Caesar’s Expedition to Britain.

I sometimes watch Mark Felton Productions and LindyBeige

I lost a lot of respect for Lindy after that whole spandau debate tbh, old lad refuses to admit when he’s wrong, I still watch him occasionally though when it seems interesting. Never heard of that other guy I’ll check it out.


I think I have come across a few of his videos, but not a regular viewer. Seems like good content.

By the way, you can discuss non-Somali history on this sub-forum as well.

Yeah, his videos are legit S tier, time just flies by when watching his vids something to do with his cadence I think. I learned a lot about the end of the Republican period by watching his vids.

But the undisputed best, most accurate and least biased Roman history channel has to be dovahhatty
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