Hilarious debate between odays from East & West Hiraan


Mashallah, fun conversation and I learned from this. ‘When HG kicked you out of Xamar all the way to beledweyne, who hid you in their homes before ethiopians came to save you’


Same energy.

Because they have an equal stake in Hiraan. The lies boon xawaadle spew on the internet isn't reality.

Mashallah, fun conversation and I learned from this. ‘When HG kicked you out of Xamar all the way to beledweyne, who hid you in their homes before ethiopians came to save you’
Also Ali Jeyte was a guulwade during afweyne era. The xl guy opposite didn't even try refute it 'Ali Jeyte wa shaqsi' kulaha Jeyte cidan aan ahaan jiray dadku ugu sheekeeya kawaran :drakelaugh: I'm not suprised they're the only hawiye that call afweyne 'Abe Siyaad' :heh:
Kkkkk at gaaljecel helping xl when HG used Gaaljecel window to enter Baladweyne. the Gaaljecel are the reason why the enemies always attack Hiiiraan we freed their land like Luuqjeelow when the Afweyne was using their ugaas saying Hawadle stop attacking ciidanka in our villages kkkk.

Do you know wothout Hawadle Gaaljecel land in Hiiraan would have been part of DDS and Bakool sare today? Read the history of luuqjeelow.
JAmal osman is from Luuqjelow.

he gaaljecel became HG foot soldiers in bariga.

Im not gonna start new Abgaal thread soon enjoy this waceysle baafin maxaa dhaan taa gaaljecel? So single waceysle in Galcad

This soldier speaks Daarood accent he says if you dont come back we will take your land 🤣🤣

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Garaad diinle

 
Because they have an equal stake in Hiraan. The lies boon xawaadle spew on the internet isn't reality.

Also Ali Jeyte was a guulwade during afweyne era. The xl guy opposite didn't even try refute it 'Ali Jeyte wa shaqsi' kulaha Jeyte cidan aan ahaan jiray dadku ugu sheekeeya kawaran :drakelaugh: I'm not suprised they're the only hawiye that call afweyne 'Abe Siyaad' :heh:
I enjoyed gorgortanka, somalis really know how to talk politics.
Odoga xawaadle wuxuu sheegay in arkii gaaljecel aabaar ku dhacdo baardheere la soo dejiyo. Baardheere iyo Camalow waa Cabdi yuusuf iyo Cabdala samatalis ooy is dhex galaan gaaljecel. Tuulo doondheere la dho aan idin tusaa oo gaaljecel la degno meeshey ku taal waxay ku taal xadka shabeelada hoose agtiisa gadaasha ceel cali oo Baladweyne u jirta 70k

Listen to this gaaljcel man in doon dheere walaweyn is closer to us than ceelcale . That is where cabdi yusuf lives too

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Odoga xawaadle wuxuu sheegay in arkii gaaljecel aabaar ku dhacdo baardheere la soo dejiyo. Baardheere iyo Camalow waa Cabdi yuusuf iyo Cabdala samatalis ooy is dhex galaan gaaljecel. Tuulo doondheere la dho aan idin tusaa oo gaaljecel la degno meeshey ku taal waxay ku taal xadka shabeelada hoose agtiisa gadaasha ceel cali oo Baladweyne u jirta 70k
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Listen to this gaaljcel man in doon dheere walaweyn is closer to us than ceelcale . That is where cabdi yusuf lives too

Why are Cabdi yusuf so scattered around southern Somalia? whats the story behind it?
Why are Cabdi yusuf so scattered around southern Somalia? whats the story behind it?
Cabdi Yuusuf are like Warsangali Daarood or Abgaal (explorers) majority of them are wealthy or let say not poor you can say middle class. Wuxuu arkaa dad Nomads ah like gaaljecel dukaan uu ka dhex furan iyo muqayad iyo suuq meelaha askarta ay aad ugu badnaayeen oo wax ka iibin jireen and some of the are preachers but the majority are traders. Buurane Jowhar started as Cabdi yuusuf Maqaayad, Janta kudisho cabdi yusuf Maqaayad now we are sariirale kala bayr muqaayad we have no borders 🤣🤣

My father was simsaar he had siteey (small truck) used buy xoolaha from gaaljecel in yaaqbari weyne very cheap and sell them in Xamar very expensive i was born in lower shabelle bc his business was based in there.
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Notice when the GJ oday threatened an official green line in beledweyne like the one in Galkacyo, The XL oday replies “War ilahey ka cabso qoraxsin kaligaa ma degtid oo gugundhaba kula dega” and not “war naa kula dega” like @The Midlands would want you to believe :mjlaugh:
Notice when the GJ oday threatened an official green line in beledweyne like the one in Galkacyo, The XL oday replies “War ilahey ka cabso qoraxsin kaligaa ma degtid oo gugundhaba kula dega” and not “war naa kula dega” like @The Midlands would want you to believe :mjlaugh:
i ignored you bc your arguing for the sake of argument and being troll but bc you were trolling in my last thread if you are serious answer this question. This satellite map shows the 4 xaaad of Baladweyne 3 xawaadle vs one gugundhabe.

How many Xaafad are in galbeedka wabiga aka qoraxsin? Is bridgeweyne/b u u n d o w eyn next to Howlwadaag separated by ex Quuburaha askarta lamagaaay the empty land or next to Xaawo taako and Kooshin car hadaad ragtahay ka jawaab?

Xawaadle xaafado are kooshin, xaawotaako in bariga and B u u n do w e y n in Galbeedka. Soon labada galbeedka will be connected bc qubuuraha behind them was sold to Hawadle Diaspora guys by maamulka who will build real estate in there and market. Qubuuraha is technically part of howlwadaag. How can Gaaljecel impose green line in Baladweyne when im opposite of them inside howlwadaag after liiqliiqato and behind them in qubuuraha and i have my own bridge in where it reads Galbeeda Xawaadle?

This is the satellite map answer it wich side of the river b u u n do weyn is located? Hadaad aa mustid waa carartey kkkk

I explained it here

Gugundhabe don't call b u u n d o weyn qoraxsin bc its Hawadle they call qaraxsin only themselves bc they belong to the rural qoraxsin but this cannot be applied to the districts like Baladweyne; buuloburde and Jalalaqsi bc hawadle are in both sides. Buuloburde's entrance is the bridge unlike of Baladweyne. The bari side has only the airport and new xaafad but 90% of the old town is on the west side and is predominantly Hawadle .

See this debate between me and a Gaajecel brother who sees B u u n d o weyn as



Galbeed Hiiraan Qolo Dhinac kadagan baa habeen iyo Maalin Social mediaha lataagan hiiraan waa bari oo xawaadle iyo galbeed oo gugundhabe iyo galjecel ah

Ayagoo Ujeedkoodu yahay sidi af ay ugu qarin lahaayen Dhulka beesha Xawaadle ee galbeedka Hiiraan Laakin Waxey iloobeen Meeshu iney hiiraan tahay Hiiraan Means ay xawaadle tahay

Hadaba Dadka Xawaadle shegana ee dhulna kala aqoon lagana dhaadhiciyay Galbeed Xawaadle shuqul kuma lahan Haba iska baro degmoyinka Iyo deegana Xawaadle ee galbedka hiiraan

Jiciboow Galbeed
Gumbur laawe
Buundoweyn Beledweyne
Galbeedka Buulaburte

Ugu danbeyn hiiraan oo si iskumid ah looxoreyn Halganka Hagar iyo harka nabada wali waa qabyo inta cadoowgu taako dhulka xawaaadle Joogyo W/towfiiq



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Saprate post for b u u n d o wayn for you in Far waa wayn this is not gugundhsbe Bridge hater 🤣🤣

Galbeed Hiiraan Qolo Dhinac kadagan baa habeen iyo Maalin Social mediaha lataagan hiiraan waa bari oo xawaadle iyo galbeed oo gugundhabe iyo galjecel ah

Ayagoo Ujeedkoodu yahay sidi af ay ugu qarin lahaayen Dhulka beesha Xawaadle ee galbeedka Hiiraan Laakin Waxey iloobeen Meeshu iney hiiraan tahay Hiiraan Means ay xawaadle tahay

Hadaba Dadka Xawaadle shegana ee dhulna kala aqoon lagana dhaadhiciyay Galbeed Xawaadle shuqul kuma lahan Haba iska baro degmoyinka Iyo deegana Xawaadle ee galbedka hiiraan

Jiciboow Galbeed
Gumbur laawe
B u u n d o weyn Beledweyne
Galbeedka Buulaburte

Ugu danbeyn hiiraan oo si iskumid ah looxoreyn Halganka Hagar iyo harka nabada wali waa qabyo inta cadoowgu taako dhulka xawaaadle Joogyo W/towfiiq

Galbeedka outside of Baladweyne Gaaljecel side that is bakool direction buqgoosaar closest buqaqable
Galbeedka outside of Baladweyne Xl from quracley to samataro opposite of booco in this map then we share with baaficade after buuloburde. These village many are cabdi yuusuf including Samataro

Galbeed Xl

From Camalow to Samataro Cabdi Yusuf

Both sides XL booco and samataro
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