Hijab can be banned at work, rules EU Court of Justice


#JusticeForShukriAbdi #FreeYSL
Businesses can sack Muslim women wearing the hijab headscarf if they work face-to-face with customers or if the wearing of the religious clothing causes workplace conflicts, the EU’s highest court has ruled.

Women in Germany who were suspended from their jobs for wearing a hijab to work.

One woman was a carer for special needs children at a childcare provider in Hamburg, while the other woman worked at a cashier at the Mueller drugstore chain. Neither of the women wore headscarves when they began their jobs but decided to start doing so years later.

Court documents show the women were told that this was not allowed and they were at different points either suspended, told to come to work without it.

The EU court in Luxembourg had to decide in both cases whether headscarf bans at work represented a violation of the freedom of religion or were allowed as part of the freedom to conduct a business and the wish to project an image of so-called neutrality to customers.

Its response was that such bans were possible if justified by an employer's need to present a “neutral image”.
The court said: “A prohibition on wearing any visible form of expression of political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the workplace may be justified by the employer's need to present a neutral image towards customers or to prevent social disputes.”

But the justification must be linked to a genuine need on the part of the employer, the court said.



Minister of Propaganda
This is a deliberate hypocrisy on the "secular" ideals many Western nations claim to promote.

Banning a woman's right to wear a niqab/hijab is not freeing them, its denying them their unalienable rights.

How are they different from the "men who force women to wear hijab" that they always talk about in these debates.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Just as long as I can tell a Christian employee to remove their cross or crucifix or a Sikh to take off their turban.


The one and only 4head
This is a deliberate hypocrisy on the "secular" ideals many Western nations claim to promote.

Banning a woman's right to wear a niqab/hijab is not freeing them, its denying them their unalienable rights.

How are they different from the "men who force women to wear hijab" that they always talk about in these debates.

No religious signs = secularism.
Simple. No cross, no veil.


Minister of Propaganda
No religious signs = secularism.
Simple. No cross, no veil.

No, that's French secularism. The rest of the Western world knows that people still should have the right to practice their religion without state interference.

The state can choose to not support any religion but forcing the people to follow that same doctrine is tyrannical.


The one and only 4head
No, that's French secularism. The rest of the Western world knows that people still should have the right to practice their religion without state interference.

The state can choose to not support any religion but forcing the people to follow that same doctrine is tyrannical.

Nobody is forcing no one to wear any clothe. You may have some knowledge in African affairs, but no so in French secularism.
The State since 1905 does not intervene in people's choice of religious affiliations.
But, so does Religion in the matter of the State (see the 19th "wars" between Seculars and Clercs in France).

The rule is simple: don't wear, don't show any religious signs in Public Buildings like Schools, the Parliament. And some companies are allowed to reject people who wear religious signs (openly).

Keep in mind: France has come from centuries of Religion Wars, and Secularism has separated the influences of the Church in French's politics and Institutions.
Without it, no religious freedom. An official religion would be a problem for minority religions as they'd have to follow the Commoners religion. Religion intolerance motivated the Secularists to pass the law of 1905.

Anyhow, I'm not even here to argue, but muslim women have to adapt or go back to Shariah-following countries.


The one and only 4head
So it’s fine if we remove our clothes but bad if we cover? Europe is a joke.

Bad logic.
Nobody is forcing you to remove your clothes, nor to show off your religious affiliation.
Keep it neutral, no religion allowed in the State's departements and private companies are allowed to implement secular values.


Minister of Propaganda
Nobody is forcing no one to wear any clothe. You may have some knowledge in African affairs, but no so in French secularism.
The State since 1905 does not intervene in people's choice of religious affiliations.
But, so does Religion in the matter of the State (see the 19th "wars" between Seculars and Clercs in France).

The rule is simple: don't wear, don't show any religious signs in Public Buildings like Schools, the Parliament. And some companies are allowed to reject people who wear religious signs (openly).

Keep in mind: France has come from centuries of Religion Wars, and Secularism has separated the influences of the Church in French's politics and Institutions.
Without it, no religious freedom. An official religion would be a problem for minority religions as they'd have to follow the Commoners religion. Religion intolerance motivated the Secularists to pass the law of 1905.

Anyhow, I'm not even here to argue, but muslim women have to adapt or go back to Shariah-following countries.

The state is forcing women to go against a major tenet of their faith. The hijab is seen as a major aspect of Islamic faith for millions of Muslim women and they have made that very clear.

That is probably the clearest interference by the state in religious affiliation in France.


The one and only 4head
The state is forcing women to go against a major tenet of their faith. The hijab is seen as a major aspect of Islamic faith for millions of Muslim women and they have made that very clear.

That is probably the clearest interference by the state in religious affiliation in France.

Stay neutral and everything will be okay.
1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State - Wikipedia

And if the veilled women feel in danger, they can leave and live in their countries,
just how most muslims daydream of Shariah.
Secularism = stay neutral, don't show any religious signs, and be a civile citizen.


Minister of Propaganda
Stay neutral and everything will be okay.
1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State - Wikipedia

And if the veilled women feel in danger, they can leave and live in their countries,
just how most muslims daydream of Shariah.
Secularism = stay neutral, don't show any religious signs, and be a civile citizen.

Bro, is it neutral tho. Because a christian is not violating their faith by not wearing a cross but a Muslim woman not wearing a hijab is seen as contradictory to Islamic teaching.

As for the legislation about the wearing of religious symbols, that was instituted in 2004 by Jacques Chiraq, not 1905.

The UN Human Rights Commission has also criticised France's legislation regarding religious symbols publicly.


The one and only 4head
Bro, is it neutral tho. Because a christian is not violating their faith by not wearing a cross but a Muslim woman not wearing a hijab is seen as contradictory to Islamic teaching.

As for the legislation about the wearing of religious symbols, that was instituted in 2004 by Jacques Chiraq, not 1905.

The UN Human Rights Commission has also criticised France's legislation regarding religious symbols publicly.

Nobody cares.
The Law is for everyone. French Clercs and Republicans fought each other for over 100 years; they separated, the State is indifferent to religious affairs, and vice versa; if some feels like their faith is in danger in secular France, they can move to another country.


Minister of Propaganda
Nobody cares.
The Law is for everyone. French Clercs and Republicans fought each other for over 100 years; they separated, the State is indifferent to religious affairs, and vice versa; if some feels like their faith is in danger in secular France, they can move to another country.

Human Rights Watch:

"The proposed law is an unwarranted infringement on the right to religious practice."

The United Nations has stated that the law is in contravention of the UN International Convenant of Civil and Political Rights, an agreement that France has ratified.

Therefore, by implementing this law, they have broken the law and a ratified international agreement.


The one and only 4head
Human Rights Watch:

"The proposed law is an unwarranted infringement on the right to religious practice."

The United Nations has stated that the law is in contravention of the UN International Convenant of Civil and Political Rights, an agreement that France has ratified.

Therefore, by implementing this law, they have broken the law and a ratified international agreement.

Imagine listening to some white noice and take it as real sounds of Orchestral Music.
The UN is useless, pointless and France is a country, with its laws.
Nobody, still in 2021, cares about an organization that smells like corruption and useless money-laundring.



Minister of Propaganda
Imagine listening to some white noice and take it as real sounds of Orchestral Music.
The UN is useless, pointless and France is a country, with its laws.
Nobody, still in 2021, cares about an organization that smells like corruption and useless money-laundring.


I never said the UN took precedence over France.

I said France ratified an agreement into law that the hijab ban contravenes.

