Hiiran “hero” Ali Jeyte to Guudlaawe: “We are exhausted and cannot keep on fighting without you. We’re ready for your orders”

Months of empty online threats from the residents of eastern beledweyne against president Guudlaawe and against his plans to visit beledweyne, it seems hawaadle have finally bent the knee to their president, and Pres Guudlaawe is in beledweyne yet again.

Their own “hero”, governor of hiiran, admits they cannot keep on fighting and they’re exhausted. He calls for the deployment of new troops from middle shabelle and federal forces to aid them in their fight against alshabab.

Their men are even kissing Abgaal generals that arrived in eatern beledweyne with Guudlaawe :silanyolaugh:

Scenes in eastern beledweyne
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After months of calling president Guudlaawe a terrorist and isbaareyste, Hawaadle have been reduced to begging him to liberate them from the shackles of alshabab that are 10km away from eastern beledweyne🤣

Maybe they shouldn’t have been ungrateful to the people of Matabaan who lent them a hand from the start. Now they’re forced to beg for the deployment of outside troops kkkkk kulaha “ciidan kale noo so xawil” meeshu ma xawaalada😂



President Cali is now the middle man between them and Villa Somalia.

@The Midlands do you support what your governor is saying :hemad: I think it finally clicked that Hasan doesn't give a shit about you:mjkkk:


Labadaas nin HSM garab taagan aa wax laga weydina Hiraan iyo Sh/Dhexe.

Mida kale saas dhan maa Colonel Hasan dhicisow looga jecelyahay beledweyne?:mjlaugh:
Xawaadle love to welcome their leaders by carrying them on their backs but it’s shame they go around online insulting them. The cayr ugaas is currently their temporary ugaas since the passing of their late ugaas and will be their ugaas until their new ugaas is crowned. It’s a shame they go around insulting their ugaas’ people😆

Ugaas xasan’s welcoming in beledweyne