Highest ranking Somaliland region of Somalia military officer in Sanaag defects to Caare army

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Jamal Maxamed Baaxad.

DEG-DEG Taliyihii Bedelay Taliye CAARE Markuu Ciidanka SOMALILAND Ka Goostay Taliye GAMAAL BAAXAD Oo Isna Maanta Ciidan La Goostay





He took with him hundreds of the Sland army and several armed pick up trucks. Caare needs to vet some of them though (they could be spies).


Make Hobyo Great Again
So it's really happening.
I wonder how the Jeegans will react when this revolution goes into full swing. They can only stay in denial for so long.


So it's really happening.
I wonder how the Jeegans will react when this revolution goes into full swing. They can only stay in denial for so long.

Jeegaan already crying he took many of the weapons with him kkk. At this rate the Caare army doesn't even need new weapons since they are getting free weapons from the Sland army.

Abaandulihii Ciidamada Qaranka Gobolka Sanaaag Gamaal Baaxad oo Goostay isaga oo ku biiray jabhad hubaysan. Hanti Qaran oo JSL lahayd oo la fakaday xasaasi.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@Bohol things are heating up


Abaanduule ka tirsan Somaliland & Hub uu la goostay oo ku biiray Jabhad cusub oo lagu dhawaaqay
August 11, 2018
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Hargeysa ee maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegaya in mid kamid ah Abaanduulayasha ciidamada Militeriga Somaliland uu u goostay Jabhad kasoo horjeeda maamulka oo dhawaan la aasaasay.

Abaanduulihii Saddexaad ee Ciidamada Millateriga Soomaaliland Jamaal Baaxad iyo Hub uu la goostay, ayaa ku biiray Jabhad la magac baxday dib u xoreynta Somaliland taas oo uu dhawaan aas’aasay Sarkaal horey uga goystay Somaliland oo lagu magacaabo korneel Caare.

Abuunduulahan iyo Saraakiil kale oo ka goostay maamulka ayaa iminka ku sugan qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Sanaag gaar ahaan deegaanada Gobolkaas ay Puntland ka maamusho.

Jabhadaani ayaa waxaa inteeda badan ku mideysan Mas’uuliyiin iyo Saraakiil xilal kasoo qabtay Somaliland kuwaa oo xiligaan aad u dhaliisan maamulka Muuse Biixi.


Maamulka Puntland ayaa garab u ah Saraakiishani oo xiligan heysta Hub farabadan oo lagala goostay maamulka, kuwaa oo la sheegay in lagula dagaalami doono isla maamulka Somaliland.

Qeybo ka mid ah gobolka Sanaag gaar ahaan deegaanada Gobolkaas oo ay maamusho Puntland ayaa waxaa ka socda abaabul dagaal oo ka dhan ah maamulka Muuse Biixi, waxaana lasoo warinayaa in Jabhadaasi ay dhaqaale xoogan ku bixineyso Puntland.

Maamulka Somaliland wali kama uusan hadal sarkaalkaas iyo aas’aasitanka Jabhada cusub ,waxa ayna ku soo aadeysaa xilli xiisado dagaal oo u dhaxeeysa Puntland iyo Somaliland.


He is Gadhweyn. Just today more vehicles were taken from Ceerigaabo (one of them owned by Sland bank full of cash). It is free for all.

Ceerigaabo(OWN) Duhurnimadii maanta waxa dhallinyaro sida lasheegay kuhubaysan qoryaha Fudud Ee AK-47 looyaqaanno ay gudaha magaalada Ceerigaabo ka dheceen baabuur nooca Xaajiyadda looyaqaanno ah oo uu leeyahay Baanka Ceerigaabo. Lama oga ilaa hadda ujeeddada ka danbaysa dableydan hubaysan ee gaadhiga baanka kaxaysatay iyo jahada ay ula keceen toonna.

Isn't Habar Younis trying to evict Gahayle-Majerteen from Las Suraad?

Also, who attacked Harti in Ceerigaabo? Habar Younis.

Puntland is short-sighted and silly, hosting Habar Younis without setting ground-rules.

Where are the Siwaaqroon to deal with this mess.

Did they all become Omanised? Someone check Baargaal. :mahubowtf:



Isn't Habar Younis trying to evict Gahayle-Majerteen from Las Suraad?

Also, who attacked Harti in Ceerigaabo? Habar Younis.

Puntland is short-sighted and silly, hosting Habar Younis without setting ground-rules.

Where are the Siwaaqroon to deal with this mess.

Did they all become Omanised? Someone check Baargaal. :mahubowtf:


It is a agreement of convenience for both sides. I doubt Caare genuinely likes reer Pland either. :manny:
It is a agreement of convenience for both sides. I doubt Caare genuinely likes reer Pland either. :manny:

This is not about like or dislike or even clan.

(Habar Younis have done less to us than the Marehan-Daarood Siyad Barre, our supposed kin).

It's about politics. What does Habar Younis truly want?


This is not about like or dislike or even clan.

(Habar Younis have done less to us than the Marehan-Daarood Siyad Barre, our supposed kin).

It's about politics. What does Habar Younis truly want?

Indeed it is about politics not emotions that is why I said it is a agreement of convenience.
For now the goal of the Sanaagians is to dismantle the little influence Sland has in Sanaag
and wind it back to 2002 days.
Indeed it is about politics not emotions that is why I said it is a agreement of convenience. For
now the goal of the Sanaagians is to dismantle the little influence Sland has in Sanaag and wind
it back to 2002 days.

Once Habar Younis gains control of their areas, is the next plan to create a federal state with Warsan and Dhulos and join Somalia?

Also, how much support does this project have among HY.


Once Habar Younis gains control of their areas, is the next plan to create a federal state with Warsan and Dhulos and join Somalia?

Also, how much support does this project have among HY.

Why would Warsangeli be involved in this?


It would make sense to create a federal state for the Northern regions.

They can do 1 and a half gobol but if it's only HY out of Isaaq, it may not be enough.

That’s not sustainable and doesn’t make much sense, besides Galnus is state and doesn’t meet the requirements and most Warsangeli lands are in PL anyways.

Warsangeli live in Bari as well.
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