Hayeey grab your pop corns

The Nigerian guy was the most learned while the Amhara guy was crying for being discriminated at the barber shop when they told him its full by white folks. :russ:
this one was funny, nigerian expresses his dislike for christians and christians nigerians lose it in the comments, the amhara expresses his dislike for "mohamadans", amhara says he never knew he was negro before coming to america
@xabashi check your uncle he is here talking about amhara prejudices.

The amhara guy looks like a proper negro yet he claims he is amhara by race and hebrew by origin this shewan nappy haired folks had real insecurities.
@Proud Oromian

Another nappy haired amhara faces discrimination at the barbershop in USA:chrisfreshhah:
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Here is another recap of an amhara guy talking about what Italy did to Amharas in the late 30s and he is suprised that the Italian girl doesnt know anything about that history that she asked what did Italy do it Ethiopia.

Then he goes on full racism@16:10 onwards against fellow Ethiopians.

Then he is humbled by a white student who tells him he is not white @17:24

@18:39 he claims amhara tribe see themselves as superior to other Ethiopians who he claims are inferior.
@20:18 south african white student asks if the amhara guy has right to judge South Africa when they have the same prejudice against their own.

one of the comments at the bottom is:

"All I will say is that when you see the terrible news coming out of Ethiopia these days, just remember this guy and what he said (also see the other videos with Ethiopians in it coz they all express the same sentiment). This supremacist based thinking and behaviour is at root of the problems that tye nation is facing now. They will deny it and claim that the divisions we are witnessing today are a recent phenomenon, but let these videos be evidence that the problem goes far deeper and longer into history than they suggest."
@xabashi you want to claim the problems in Ethiopia started in 1991 when TPLF took power but it seems your uncles were all unapologetically racist as today.
ይሄ ልጅ አስተሳሰቡ ትከክል የ አማራ ነዉ. በዚህ ዘመን አንኮአን አንደዛ ነዉ የሚያስቡት. የተረገመ ህዝብ. አማራ አንዴ ግመል ሺንት ወደ ሁሃላ የሚሄድ ህዝብ ነዉ.
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