Hayeeey Our favorite Somali spot Xaliimo Youtuber has a bombshell......


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Out of NO WHERE she just dropped that she was diagnosed with "Turner Syndrome"

I quickly went to google to find out what it it. (hoping in my fast beating heart it was not Down Syndrome)

Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome results from a missing or incomplete sex chromosome.
Symptoms include short stature, delayed puberty, infertility, heart defects, and certain learning disabilities.
Treatment involves hormone therapy. Fertility treatment may be necessary for women who want to become pregnant

Requires a medical diagnosis
Symptoms include short stature, delayed puberty, infertility, heart defects, and certain learning disabilities.

Now this girl, is the same one who said in her channel she told her mom she needs a break from her. Then, the mother proceeded to change her voice deeper, and begin to curse her. Then she made dozen of videos about narcissists, including her mom as well.

I have always said to myself , she blames everybody of her problems except herself. Is she the ultimate narcissist? Is this new imaginary diagnosis away to explain her short statue? Her learning disability? or more ominous, does she want to change her gender? Missing one X chromosomes????

Actually she might be right on the diagnosis. Anyway, Halaaa Waaasho

Watch : 13:15
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