HAYAAAAAAAY! DABZ LET GO BY SL but SL strikes back, shows FBI videos! DABZ deletes his FB

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Nigga came on fb live for few minutes, profusely thanks and applauds Trump and then dude received a phone call. His Marexan strategist ordered him to delete FB bc they received info that he will be confronted the second he lands in the US.


SL striker back when state department came at them. All they did was show the US Dabz calling the overthrow of the US. In another video of him threatening Trump
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Nigga came on fb live for few minutes, profusely thanks and applauds Trump and then dude received a phone call. His Marexan strategist ordered him to delete FB bc they received info that he will be confronted the second he lands in the US.


SL striker back when state department came at them. All they did was show the US Dabz calling the overthrow of the US. In another video of him threatening Trump

Somaliland seen Dabcasar as a threat because he believes in unity. The Somaliland youth all love and are fans of Dabcasar. They wanted to make an example of Dabcasar but failed.

Dabcasar will make another FB account and he will gain more fans to the already growing celebrity he is.
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