Haven't sleeped

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I have an IQ of 300
3 day when i was 9/10:kanyeshrug:
I wonder why it was easier when we were younger?
I managed a 3 day streak when I was 12. I was in such awful shape by the end of it that I was close to passing out.
These days, even 1 night without any sleep is enough to put me out of commission.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I once didn't sleep for 32 hours and I felt like my heart was dropping. My genius self was drinking redbull every 2 hours :bell::meleshame:
In 22+ hours feels normal :kanyeshrug:
Personal best was 3 day when i was 9/10:kanyeshrug:

I wonder why it was easier when we were younger?
I managed a 3 day streak when I was 12. I was in such awful shape by the end of it that I was close to passing out.
These days, even 1 night without any sleep is enough to put me out of commission.

I have done 48 hours no sleep before.

Question what is a 9 and 12 year old doing 3 days of no sleep for?

:gucciwhat: I have questions....
:westbrookwtf: Superior?
How dare you. American English should be renamed to Basic English.
It's like the free one month trial of British English. :sass1:
Surrrrrreeee. Here is good example of how stupid it sounds:shookgabre:

50 British phrases that Americans just don’t understand

1. “How’s your father,” “Rumpy pumpy,” “Good rogering”
Meaning: To have sex, sexual relations, get “your groove on.”

2. “Going to play some footy”
Meaning: Going to play soccer.

3. “I’ll give you a bunch of fives”
Meaning: You’re going to get a punch in the face.

4. “That was a right bodge job”
Meaning: That job went wrong.

5. “Oh bloomin ‘eck”
Meaning: A non-curse word exclamation.

6. “That’s pants”
Meaning: It’s not great, not very good.

7. “I’m knackered”
Meaning: I’m tired, exhausted.

8. “Don’t get shirty with me,” “Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” “You’re getting on my goat,” “Wind your neck in”

Meaning: Someone’s getting angry or aggravated with you or you’re getting annoyed or irritated with them.

9. “I was gobsmacked”
Meaning: I was shocked, lost for words.

10. “She was talking nineteen to the dozen”
Meaning: She was talking at a speedy rate.

11. “It’s all gone pear-shaped”
Meaning: Something has gone wrong.

12. “She’s a picnic short of a sandwich,” “She’s a slice short of a loaf”
Meaning: She’s a little dopey, not very clever.

13. “She’s as bright as a button”
Meaning: She’s clever.

14. “He’s as mad as box of frogs,” “He’s crackers”
Meaning: He’s mad. He’s lost it.

15. “Spend a penny,” “Going for a slash”
Meaning: To visit the bathroom.

16. “Well that’s thrown a spanner in the works”
Meaning: Plans have gone awry, a curveball has been thrown.

17. “We’re having a right old knees up,” “Heading out on the tiles,” “Out on the lash”
Meaning: To go out for the night to have a good time. To party.

18. “I’m out on the pull tonight”
Meaning: To go out looking for a lady or man with whom to enjoy a romantic liaison (see #1.). To get ‘laid’.

19. “I’m going to get off with him/her”
Meaning: I’m going to kiss/snog that person.

19. “I’m quids in” / “I’m skint” / “Have you got any dosh?”
Meaning: You’ve come into money / You have no money / You’re asking someone if they have any money.

20. “Sweet Fanny Adams”
Meaning: Nothing, such as when being asked what you did for the day or what you’re currently doing.

21. “It’s just Sod’s law”
Meaning: Same as ‘Murphy’s Law’ — what’s going to happen, will happen.

22. “It’s parky out” or “It’s brass monkeys out”
Meaning: It’s cold outside.

23. “She’s such a curtain twitcher” or “Stop being such a nose ointment”
Meaning: She’s a nosy neighbor, stop being so nosy.

24. “Did you see her? She’s such a chav”
Meaning: A British stereotype for a ‘low class’ person or someone wearing ‘cheap’ clothes.

25. “That’s smashing,” “Super,” “Ace,” “Pucker”
Meaning: That’s “awesome.”

26. “Did you just fluff?” or “Did you just pop?”
Meaning: Did you just fart?

27. “He’s the dog’s danglies,” “It’s the mutt’s nuts”
Meaning: He’s the best, it’s the best. Top notch.

28. “Nice baps,” “Look at those bristols,” “Look at those rose buds”
Meaning: Nice breasts.

29. “Old Blighty”
Meaning: Britain.

30. “Oh, he’s a Bobby,” “They call him PC plod”
Meaning: He’s a policeman, he’s a cop.

31. “I’ll ring you,” “I’ll give you a bell,” “I’ll give you a tinkle”
Meaning: I’ll call you.

32. “He’s such a plonker,” “ponce,” “pillock,” “tosser,” “ twit,” “knob,” “bellend”
Meaning: He’s not very nice / He’s an idiot.

33. “Stop being such a big girl’s blouse”
Meaning: Stop being such a wimp.

34. “Toodle Pip!” or “Ta ta!”
Meaning: Goodbye.

35. “I’m just having a fag”
Meaning: I’m just having a cigarette.

36. “I’m totally cack-handed”
Meaning: I’m not coordinated.

37. “He’s such an anorak”
Meaning: He’s such a geek.

38. “Don’t be such a wind-up merchant”
Meaning: Stop teasing.

39. “Having a good old chinwag”
Meaning: Having a gossip/chat.

40. “She’s got a face like a bag full of spanners” / “She has a face like a cat’s arse”
Meaning: She’s not very attractive / She is pulling a ‘sour’ face.

41. “Meat and two veg”
Meaning: A man’s ‘private parts’

42. “She’s so gobby”
Meaning: She’s very mouthy, rude.

43. “She/he/it’s minging”
Meaning: She/he/it’s not very nice, disgusting.

44. “That’s mint, that is”
Meaning: Mint condition, perfect.

45. “Careful, he’s on the chunder bus”
Meaning: He’s going to be sick, throw up.

46. “Oh stop whinging on”
Meaning: Stop moaning.

47. “You look smart”
Meaning: You are well dressed.

48. “That’s lush”
Meaning: That’s nice, or that tastes good.

49. “I’m feeling really grotty”
Meaning: Feeling under the weather, not well.

50. “Ta!”
Meaning: Thanks!

I will admit it is far superior to Australian English but British English sound stupid and childish. It's only saving grace is the accent.:dabcasar:


I have an IQ of 300
Surrrrrreeee. Here is good example of how stupid it sounds:shookgabre:

50 British phrases that Americans just don’t understand

I will admit it is far superior to Australian English but British English sound stupid and childish. It's only saving grace is the accent.:dabcasar:
90% of these are meme phrases and no-one talks like that.
"Oh bloomin' 'eck"? Really?
Was this article written by someone whose only exposure to UK English is Mary Poppins?
90% of these are meme phrases and no-one talks like that.
"Oh bloomin' 'eck"? Really?
Was this article written by someone whose only exposure to UK English is Mary Poppins?

Americans IQ levels, just shows how great their american educational system is

:mjlol: Ps American English is a bastardized version of English


I have an IQ of 300
It was written by a British person, from London no less, for an online travel magazine. :russ:
She clearly wrote it for the Americans that think the UK is a collection of castles and aristocratic nobles drinking tea :bell:
Gotta keep up the lie so the tourists keep coming :bell:
Americans IQ levels, just shows how great their american educational system is
To be fair some of those questions weren't that obvious or well-known, like the definition of perjury.
Every country has its dummies. I remember reading an article the other day that mentioned the "Flynn Effect" - the global IQ is apparently increasing steadily.
Things are looking pretty good :obama:
She clearly wrote it for the Americans that think the UK is a collection of castles and aristocratic nobles drinking tea :bell:
Gotta keep up the lie so the tourists keep coming :bell:

To be fair some of those questions weren't that obvious or well-known, like the definition of perjury.
Every country has its dummies. I remember reading an article the other day that mentioned the "Flynn Effect" - the global IQ is apparently increasing steadily.
Things are looking pretty good :obama:

Don't be nice, all those questions were easy as pie.

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