Have you come across this book?

@Step a side "Perhaps this was the known World to Persians like North Africa was known to the later Romans and took the name Africa to apply to the whole continent. In this era Somalis most likely did not exist as this was way prior to the Bronze Age. Their ev32 ancestors would have gone by a different identity."

Apologies abti i'm a bit curious, how long have Somalis existed for? and what area were our Ev32 ancestors during that time? If i'm not wrong it's around Eastern Sudan/Eriteria? It's quite intriguing that Egypt for example is older than the split between various Cushitic groups
What time frame are we on abti? I’m lost right now 🤣. Prior to the bronze age was the copper age. We definitely didn’t live in Somalia then I can assure you that.
What time frame are we on abti? I’m lost right now 🤣. Prior to the bronze age was the copper age. We definitely didn’t live in Somalia then I can assure you that.
Apologies sxb 😂, i'm curious about when is the latest that we split from other cushites? I've heard it's about 3k years ago, forming our own ethnic group migrating from the Eritrea region/Eastern Sudan? I'm aware that in the copper age*, we did not live in Somalia.
Apologies sxb 😂, i'm curious about when is the latest that we split from other cushites? I've heard it's about 3k years ago, forming our own ethnic group migrating from the Eritrea region/Eastern Sudan? I'm aware that in the copper age*, we did not live in Somalia.
Yeah roughly the same age as the E-Y18629 awoowe that connects majority of the Somalis. Roughly 2500 years ago is when the Somali started to form their own identity separate from the other cushites. This will include other Somaloid groups like Rendille I assume. Time will tell.

Yeah roughly the same age as the E-Y18629 awoowe that connects majority of the Somalis. Roughly 2500 years ago is when the Somali started to form their own identity separate from the other cushites. This will include other Somaloid groups like Rendille I assume. Time will tell.

Thanks abti, inshallah there will be more research into this.