Have u ever been Catfished?

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We thought you wuz zoology minister in JSL.
Aren't u supposed to recognize a cougar when u meet one.

Teeda kale would u tag Madamoiselle lioness.
This social medial is new to old timers like me.
I got a bone to pick with her.

Excuse me? Maxa kaa haleeyay?
Bal saanguur taan eega.
Maxaan kaa haleeyay kute.
Naayaahee maxaad noo luggoysay berigii?
I still get laab-jeex when I remember what u did.
Lax waxid.

Okay, this is super weird. Ii dhageyso, isma naqaano, ha igu af-baran. Shukaansi hadaa uso indho cadahay, bilcaan wee buuxaan, lakiin hadalkaas caatada aad la wareegaysid qof kuma qancineysid.


Queen of the light
Why online ? It's very risky thank god my fathers strict and only reccomends people he knows, I don't trust anyone online.
I have 68 friends in facebook. I know all of them personally and only 6 of them are female (mostly relatives :lol: )

I have never been catfished in my life.
I was catfished by my cousin. He liked me and so he made a fake facebook profile. We chatted for a few weeks and I asked to meet up at our local Starbucks. When he turned up instead, I nearly shitted myself. La ma arkin Iyo lamo maqalin aa ka dhacday meesha :bell:
I always get catfished by both men and women alike and once I ask them why they did that they say I'm so hot and irresistible. why am I so handsome why :jcoleno:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
My brother and cousin pranked me once. When I called and heard his voice, I started stuttering :damedamn:
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