Have Sudden Deaths Taken Place Amongst the Vaccinated?


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
My young brother died of sudden cardiac arrest, he was young, fit and active, he complained about heart pain and did a full test, but nothing came up a few weeks later, he passed away in his sleep, we're still waiting for the report.
allah ha u naxariisto, Tragic loss bro.

Niggas making covid threads in 2024??
This is not the correct time, Please rethink


The most eggcelent member
Covid-19 increases the odd of having blood clots in your heart. The vaccines also increase the odds of having blood clots. The reason for the sudden death is likely due to covid in general. Although I would personally advise against being vaccinated anymore for the Virus. The reason I say that is because I have gotten vaccinated and still get covid so the vaccine is redundant and increases the risk of clots. Furthermore, I had a bad reaction to the vax, especially feeling pain/soreness in my heart.
Same story bud.

Got the shot, didn't do crap, now I have random heart pains and am afraid I will now die before I reach 40.
Same story bud.

Got the shot, didn't do crap, now I have random heart pains and am afraid I will now die before I reach 40.

Research on detox methods. Thins like heavy metal chelation, activated charcoal, dry fasting, water fasting, positive mind set, health high organic fruit and veg diet etc.

Keep positive and most importantly ask Allah for a cure.
I have heard that there are cases like this but I do not trust what I hear in the news. Do you know of cases where the vaccinated "die suddenly"?

I am curious because I read that there will be sudden deaths towards the end times and I wonder if these are the sudden deaths.
Yeah I avoided the jab. Due too many conspiracy theories I read online and how fast it came out. Also there wasn't any ten year study on it. Now that people are just dying out of nowhere and the News is hush hush about it tells you a lot. If you got the jab may Allah help you.
Same story bud.

Got the shot, didn't do crap, now I have random heart pains and am afraid I will now die before I reach 40.
If you drink coffee stop it also with any for of tea basically anything that has caffeine in it. Also saxib look at your height and weight for your body type. For instance I'm 6 1 and I weigh 220. I'm not fat Im muscular build , but still I'm over weight of my height I'm supposed to be 160-180. I don't know you weight but there a static that states each 20 pounds you lose your heart rate drop 5-12 points.
I used to work in a unit with stroke patients and we saw a lot of young people come in with strokes. They were in their 20’s and 30’s and it is usually very rare to have a stroke at this age. A lot of us suspected it’s covid and the vaccines doing this

No lie but the way the government handled these vaccines made me slightly anti vax. I got two and I still got covid. I don’t plan on getting any more covid vaccines ever
the vaccine was designed to stop severe illness, not to make you immune.