Hassan Sheekhs meeting with beesha dhexe in Maxaas has ended in failure


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Babtu Bastard cawaan these Bantu and IDPS looking are you family you killed you banti brother that why you are NOT somali son of cawaan salamo naasdheere. Next video is ready let more people see how canwaans ajd bantu looking are you لعنة الله عليك ياجرير 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Keep moving the goalpost Eebow.

Nin 2023 abtirsigiisa laysku heesto oo wixi dhalayba la ogeen maa abgaal cismaan madaxda umada somaliyeed wax ka sheegi karo? :pachah1:

How you calling me a bastard when you claim my father as your own? You Garac Xawaadle

Somali lineage is paternal and no one knows who the hell birthed you so how can you call yourself Somali? On top of that you practice Bantu dhaqan like your “faal xawadle” sixir and even share villages and kinship with them.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
I don't know How HSM can get out of this mess. HG used him and gave lip service, Hawadle gave him 24 hrs to leave Hiiraan and His own Abgaal clan aren't proven fighters. The only clan with influence in the region is Murusade, and I am pretty sure it's lip service and aren't stupid to fight Al-shabab alone.

The Somali army got it's soul hurt from three inside job and won't have the morale to help their country. HSM burned bridges with Majerteen , Dhulus, Hawaadle and HG is too rich now to be sent to grave yards. HSM will not finish his second term if I am honest.
Abgaal aren’t proven fighters kulaha. Coming from the same clan who needed all Darood to defend them from just Sacad alone. Your clan are known throughout somaliwayn as being straight up pussies, even cadaan colonisers wrote about your peoples cowardice . Don’t try passing your own reputation onto us mate

Keep moving the goalpost Eebow.

Nin 2023 abtirsigiisa laysku heesto oo wixi dhalayba la ogeen maa abgaal cismaan madaxda umada somaliyeed wax ka sheegi karo? :pachah1:

How you calling me a bastard when you claim my father as your own? You Garac Xawaadle

Somali lineage is paternal and no one knows who the hell birthed you so how can you call yourself Somali? On top of that you practice Bantu dhaqan like your “faal xawadle” sixir and even share villages and kinship with them.
