Has an ethnic woman ever asked you for money while purchasing items ?

I was asked for money by a couple of ethnic women a couple of days ago at a fast food place. They asked I buy food for them and they didn’t ask the other people in line. They also requested I give them my change. They seemed maybe 18 or 19 to me at the time. I didn’t respond to them in Somali and started speaking Amharic. They ended the conversation immediately and went on their way. They could be working at the fast food place but they think they are better than that. Why beg instead of working?

Many of these indigent kids don’t like working minimum wage jobs even though they aren’t skilled to earn a higher wage.
I was asked for money by a couple of ethnic women a couple of days ago at a fast food place. They asked I buy food for them and they didn’t ask the other people in line. They also requested I give them my change. They seemed maybe 18 or 19 to me at the time. I didn’t respond to them in Somali and started speaking Amharic. They ended the conversation immediately and went on their way. They could be working at the fast food place but they think they are better than that. Why beg instead of working?

Many of these indigent kids don’t like working minimum wage jobs even though they aren’t skilled to earn a higher wage.
This is another attempt to start a gender war huh:reallymaury:
also you speak amharic?
lol love how he uses terms like “ethnic” women or men to not only refer to God’s know who but also to Somalis. He’s waiting to see just how long it takes for people to catch on 😂


Waa anaga orodneey, nabad doonaney
lol love how he uses terms like “ethnic” women or men to not only refer to God’s know who but also to Somalis. He’s waiting to see just how long it takes for people to catch on 😂

I don't think it's meant to be a secret
They tried to finnese you good shit for not buying it for them. They only asked u cuz they thought you would have a soft spot for them. You know it’s a finnese cuz why else would they be in fast food.
They asked for food. You don’t know their condition. I would have bought them food if that all they wanted and be on my way. No need to be so arrogant Allah can test you. Find something else to whine about.
It happened to me once. She was Amhara and she asked me to give her money to eat. I said I will buy you food. She said no and said "please give me the money instead. Somali men waan ka hela". I rolled up my window and drove off.
It annoys me when people do crap like that. Am I supposed to be impressed you learned Somalia in a K5 school and that you like Somali gus? You think that's enough for me to give you money to buy God knows what? Keep it moving.



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