Happy Pride Month! Naked People Celebrating Pride Downtown!


Reer guri
what? I assumed it was Brighton in England huge population here and first is of course San Francisco

Just assumed Seattle was a communist Marxist shythole full of ultra left wing politicians
It’s pretty much a miniature San Fran, there are neighborhoods filled with just gay people. Crosswalks that are rainbow colored and khaniis flags hung in every store/restaurant.
They are testing the boundaries of society even further now. It won’t be shocking when their horde of supporters try to excuse this behavior as normal.
It’s pretty much a miniature San Fran, there are neighborhoods filled with just gay people. Crosswalks that are rainbow colored and khaniis flags hung in every store/restaurant.
It reminds of a video I watched of an LGBTQ girl screaming at a Christian guy for preaching in the quote-on-quote "gaybourhood" :silanyolaugh:

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Why is it always the old and dare i say un attractive beoble, who go these qomul luut ends.

It is like that they belong to some kind of club. Hyping each other up to so these devilish things.

Give it some years and they will be having sex on the streets outside their shaytaan month

