@HalyeelQarans thirsty ass

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Habar Magaadle
When she dropped my dick pic, at least 8 females on here dived into my pm. She did me a favor.

and besides...I would never resort to any of this "qarxis" shit, that's for the birds abti.

Sxb just stop before it gets worse, majarafad ayaad ku qodaysa qabrigaaga.


Suicidal men adore me.
When she dropped my dick pic, at least 8 females on here dived into my pm inquiring if that was really my dick. :hemad: She did me a favor.

and besides...I would never resort to any of this "qarxis" shit, that's for the birds abti.

No one did that. Plus @Canuck loves joking about your dick and @Baraf joked about your dick. Your dick is an internal joke abowe macaaan
- Wanna f*ck?
- No
- why not? be open minded

Lol, i am gonna use that one.

Also how are you gonna have a 4 page convo with him after he says shit like that. I think you like it, no way you would put up with this otherwise. @Barni.
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