Half Pakistani Xaliimo says she got forced to marry..

She is talking about her own experience. So just because something doesn't happen often does it mean we can't talk about it?

Also, it clearly isn't one percent. If it was we wouldn't have a mahmah (Somali saying).

I really don't see what the issue is.

Look i dont care if she was talking about HER OWN experience but look at this
Just look at this i know you are a SJW always on womens side (wich is sexist but but)
But you are really lying if your not saying that her somali mother had a say in the whole thing lmao she married a traditional paki (wich is why this whole shitshow happened their culture) and she had absolutely no say whatsoever in who her daughter married only her (paki) father did.
If she disagreed you dont think there would be a dispute between them since obviously this was (most probably a political economical) mariage and a dispute over that would led to a potential divorce. No Woman wants that Understand this this is not a case thats " MEN ARE TRASH muh muh"

