Habo from tdot dissing all of reer Canada.

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synopsis of what is being said
She goes on a rant from 5:50 -9:35 about the struggles of life in the west and how Somali geeljires are killing each other and filling the correctional facilities. She lied about how every mandem above 18 functions on qabil basis. The truth is only older heads go on that stuff. She also talks about how she is hustling as a maid earning minimum wage when she could have graduated from lafole university if the civil war didn’t happen. She also stresses the youth are the future of Somalia.


She goes on a rant from 5:50 -9:35 about the struggles of life in the west and how Somali geeljires are killing each other and filling the correctional facilities. She lied about how every mandem above 18 functions on qabil basis. The truth is only older heads go on that stuff. She also talks about how she is hustling as a maid earning minimum wage when she could have graduated from lafole university if the civil war didn’t happen. She also stresses the youth are the future of Somalia.

True but,
gang's are kind of based on clans since young guys join their cousins and family members but that's a loose loose thing it's mostly guys in your estate.
Hoyoo ficaan dheeh.

What you guys make off that comedian? He keeps interupting:lolbron:
I love the xamar accent and the swagger:banderas:
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