Habar Gidir Clan threatens war over being evicted from public land in Mogadishu

Why must we share a country with these people? Do tell me my queen?

These clans that squat on public land, and then threaten war when they are at threat of eviction, are audacious and lack shame. Squatting on government land, is theft, and they need to learn how to address their grievances, without resorting to the usual bully antics of making threats, as if they are a gang. Why can't they raise funds and offer to buy the land instead? But that would make too much sense.

In my opinion, public land, is public land, and people who squat on public land must be removed, or at the very least, pay rent. There is a huge case of this in Kismaayo, where the Marehan clan is squatting on military barracks, it's called 'Xaafada Guulwadde'. They should also get evicted, and that land should be utilised as federal or state land.
Ikhwani dhaqan is ingrained into somali culture.

Don’t like what’s happening? Threaten to over throw the government and destroy everything leaving chaos and misery.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
They’re getting mad at land that they looted themselves, now being looted from them. No honour amongst thieves.

what the issue is here, is not leaving these people with any alternatives. This is creating more IDP’s, kick out the freeloaders and keep the productive folks.
They’re getting mad at land that they looted themselves, now being looted from them. No honour amongst thieves.

what the issue is here, is not leaving these people with any alternatives. This is creating more IDP’s, kick out the freeloaders and keep the productive folks.

Federal Member States need to find a way to build state owned houses, and make people pay rent and then later on, have the option to purchase those houses. They need to tear down all those jiingads and all government land needs to be returned. The entire country will end up looking like a huge flavella, if this squatter and jiingad crisis isn't dealt with.
Habar gidir straight xooged the south of muqdisho and said we're not leaving lol who does that? Isaaq like habar gidir though they see them as allies well use to I don't know anymore though
Habar Gidir clan threatens war, and calls for their troops to pull out of the SNA frontlines.

What is the back story? Legally, under the Common Law, squatters on public land / property have rights to the land provided they have resided on the land for a lengthy period, have been maintaining it, paying taxes, and used it as their primary residence; the law is different if used for commercial use. Instead of evicting squatters, local gov't ought to offer them land to build, providing assistance in construction, licencing, permits etc, or alternative properties to reside.

There old men have no shame, and are going about the issue the wrong way.

Why are they all speaking reer Mudug dialect?

Is that last fellow, but one, the drugs kingpin in Lower Shabelle?
What is the back story? Legally, under the Common Law, squatters on public land / property have rights to the land provided they have resided on the land for a lengthy period, have been maintaining it, paying taxes, and used it as their primary residence; the law is different if used for commercial use. Instead of evicting squatters, local gov't ought to offer them land to build, providing assistance in construction, licencing, permits etc, or alternative properties to reside.

There old men have no shame, and are going about the issue the wrong way.

Why are they all speaking reer Mudug dialect?

Is that last fellow, but one, the drugs kingpin in Lower Shabelle?
I think it would be better to build them a large building consisting of apartments/or residences like the one in the picture for a temporary period until the economic situation improves.
Damn, HSM is really determined to evict squatters. I think Somali Government needs to invest in public housing for its citizens. Council homes etc to reduce homelessness