Guriceel Locals Begin Fleeing Imminent Galmudug Attack



Barakac xooggan oo ka soconaya magaalada Guriceel​



Barakac xooggan ayaa maanta ka soconaya degmadda Guriceel ee gobalka Galgaduud, halkaas oo laga cabsi qabo inay ku dagaalamaan Ciidanka dowladda & kuwa Galmudug oo dhinac ah iyo Ahlusunna.

Dadka ayaa waxaa ay siweyn uga barakacayaan Xaafadaha kala ah Wadajir, Daryeel iyo Tawakal, waxaana Ciidamada Ahlusunna ay difaacyo ka sameysteen gudaha iyo daafaha magaalada.

Barakacaan maanta ka billowday degmada Guriceel ayaa waxaa uu ka dambeeyay kadib markii Ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Galmudug ay ku dhawaadeen degmada Guriceel, isla markaana ay fariisin ka sameysteen degaanka Ceeldheere.

Xaaladda degmada Guriceel ayaa ka duwan sidii hore, waxaana qaar kamid ah bulshada ay sheegayaan inay dareemayaan cabsi la xiriirta in dushooda lagu dagaalamo, isla markaana ay waxyeelo kasoo gaarto.



Dhaq-dhaqaaqyo culus oo ka billowday duleedka Guriceel – Maxaa soo kordhay?​

By Istar Cabdi Yuusuf

October 14, 2021

in Warar

Dhaq-dhaqaaqyo culus oo ka billowday duleedka Guriceel – Maxaa soo kordhay?

Guriceel (Caasimada Online) – Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in xalay, illaa saaka dhaq-dhaqaaqyo culus oo iska soo horjeedo ay ka bilowdeen deegaano hoostaga magaalada Guriceel oo ay dhowaan qabsatay Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca.

Galmudug ayaa xoojisay abaabulka dagaal ee ka socda gobolka Galgaduud, isla-markaana lagu wajahayo Ahlu Sunna, si dib looga saaro magaaladaasi.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in saaka ciidamadii ugu badnaa oo wata gaadiidkooda dagaalka ay ka baxeen magaalada Dhuusamareeb, iyaga oo gaaray deegaanka Ceeldheere, halkaas oo ay ka sameysteen fariisimo ciidan, iyaga oo ku biiray ciidamo horey ugu sugnaa halkaasi.

Ciidamadan ayaa qayb ka ah gulufka dagaal ee ay Galmudug ku wajahayso Ahlu Sunna oo dib ugu soo rogaal celisay deegaanada maamulkaasi.

Dhinaca kale ciidamada Ahlu Sunna ayaa dhankooda dhaq-dhaqaaqyo ka wada magaalada Guriceel, waxaana heegan la geliyey askarta ku sugan gudaha magaaladaasi.

Dadka deegaanka ayaa dhanka kale lagu soo warramayaa inay bilaabeen barakac xoogan, waxaana soo wajahday cabsi ka dhalatay dhaq-dhaqaaqyada ay wadaan labada dhinac.;dc_trk_aid=504820470;dc_trk_cid=109879692;dc_lat=;dc_rdid=;tag_for_child_directed_treatment=;tfua=;ltd=?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=Desktop&utm_campaign=APIA+-+Performance+-+September+FY22+[D]&utm_content=3026739737&utm_term=caasimadanet&tblci=GiAsv3NGczoY_KgLml56N5PbsK23-3IZjClC_p_x081gsCCyx0go7KGz3s-wwvEC#tblciGiAsv3NGczoY_KgLml56N5PbsK23-3IZjClC_p_x081gsCCyx0go7KGz3s-wwvEC
Switch to Apia Health Insurance Weli ma jiro wax hadal ah oo ka soo baxay labada dhinac oo ku aadan dhaq-dhaqaaqyada haatan u socda ee u dhexeeya ciidamada Galmudug iyo kuwa Ahlu Sunna.
Xaaladda ayaa haatan aad u kacsan, waxaana markasta laga cabsi qabaa in dagaal uu qarxo, maadaama labada ciidan y xoojiyeen abaabuulkooda dagaal.


@cow we know farmajo is backing ahlul sunnah so he can create 'confusion' and chaos in GM so elections can be delayed. We also know ahlul sunnah want to run their checkpoints racket as they miss their haram money. We know they signed a pact under 'walalaha galgaduud' coalition.

I urge Marehan to stop the proxy war on GALMUDUG LAND. I bet cow will say let Puntland stop backing GM with logistics and playing a proxy war thru the guise of 'shabab'. I urge both Marehan n Majerten to cease n desist from galmudug affairs and to put an end to this proxy war on HG land.

PL is backing GM, Marehan is backing Ahlul Sunnah. The show-down is Guriceel. Lets see who wins.
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This is probably going to be Cayr vs Cayr at first and when the anti-Sufi Cayr are easily defeated it wil escalate into a Cayr + Sacad(PL subjects) vs Saleebaan(Farmaajo allies)


This is probably going to be Cayr vs Cayr at first and when the anti-Sufi Cayr are easily defeated it wil escalate into a Cayr + Sacad(PL subjects) vs Saleebaan(Farmaajo allies)

It will start like that but cud escalate to farmajo bringing in gorgor marehan reinforcements and this will trigger PL to bring in our PSF reinforcements. There is a bloody proxy war happening in Galmudug and it's unfair these people are continously on the verge of self destruction with every new administration named for them from Mogadishu. Let GM elect it's own officials from a bottom up process not top down process from villa somalia.


This is probably going to be Cayr vs Cayr at first and when the anti-Sufi Cayr are easily defeated it wil escalate into a Cayr + Sacad(PL subjects) vs Saleebaan(Farmaajo allies)

Why would PL donate logistics to QoorQoor if we are against GM? According to you, you think PL is backing ahlul sunnah with sacad to create a 'front' against Qoorqoor and eventually depose qoorqoor a farmajo ally and therefore ensure a new pro puntland leader from GM and this will ensure the federal MPS are also pro puntland.

This is a very false narrative and trying to trigger the HG that Majerten is their enemy.


It will start like that but cud escalate to farmajo bringing in gorgor marehan reinforcements and this will trigger PL to bring in our PSF reinforcements. There is a bloody proxy war happening in Galmudug and it's unfair these people are continously on the verge of self destruction
PSF "ari boowe" in Galgaduud HAHAHa? who will invite them tollow, fiqi ? Sacad has no jurisdiction in Galgaduud and they are subjects of Galnus a dethroned and a sidelined Baraxley slum dog can not invite his MJ masters to Galgaduud, this is fight is currently internal Cayr vs Cayr because they are split between 3 groups Damuljadiid, ASWJ, N&N and its only ASWJ who are willing to fight against Galnus which is propped up by N&N.

eventually it will turn into a Cayr + Sacad vs Saleebaan, PL can defend Sacad in Baraxley slum, that is if Sacad even wish to defy Galnus which they created.


PSF "ari boowe" in Galgaduud HAHAHa? who will invite them tollow, fiqi ? Sacad has no jurisdiction in Galgaduud and they are subjects of Galnus a dethroned and a sidelined Baraxley slum dog can not invite his MJ masters to Galgaduud, this is fight is currently internal Cayr vs Cayr because they are split between 3 groups Damuljadiid, ASWJ, N&N and its only ASWJ who are willing to fight against Galnus which is propped up by N&N.

eventually it will turn into a Cayr + Sacad vs Saleebaan, PL can defend Sacad in Baraxley slum, that is if Sacad even wish to defy Galnus which they created.

U need to learn HG heirachy u nacas. Sacad wa siyasigooda weligoodna way ahayeen. Cayr waa reer miyigooda iyo ciidaan their not the brightest bunch but very large in comparison to sacad n saleban. Saleban waa maalkooda iyo ganacsato. Mamul ka baxsan nidaamkani kama hirgelayo GM.


U need to learn HG heirachy u nacas. Sacad wa siyasigooda weligoodna way ahayeen. Cayr waa reer miyigooda iyo ciidaan their not the brightest bunch but very large in comparison to sacad n saleban. Saleban waa maalkooda iyo ganacsato. Mamul ka baxsan nidaamkani kama hirgelayo GM.
No you are wrong they are all uncivilized moriyaan who are killing each other because they do not respect their elected president Qoorqoor, and PL is funding the destruction of Galnus, I welcome it. Galnus was recognized on presidential decree by Hassan Sh and propped up by Farmaajo who brought the capital to Samareeb. Its entire fate is tied to Xamar, but both muxafid and mucarid are confused by these uncivilized moriyaan killing each other lmao.


No you are wrong they are all uncivilized moriyaan who are killing each other because they do not respect their elected president Qoorqoor, and PL is funding the destruction of Galnus, I welcome it. Galnus was recognized on presidential decree by Hassan Sh and propped up by Farmaajo who brought the capital to Samareeb. Its entire fate is tied to Xamar, but both muxafid and mucarid are confused by these uncivilized moriyaan killing each other lmao.

PL backs GM qoorqoor and supplied his GALMUDUG with military logistics, so why are u arguing PL wants to destroy Galmudug? does it make sense to you that u wud donate military equipments to some region u want destroyed? PL has an 'anti shabab' policy irrespective of who runs Galmudug, but we will not accept a region being meddled from villa somalia and naming leaders in the region, this isn't following in the spirit of bottom up federalism.

Anaga siyasad bay naga tahay, we see Somalia as becoming regional governments following in PL model, where-as all you care about is 'federal mps' coming out of GM being pro N&N, u just care about the presidential seat, you don't have any god damn siyasad that is actually beneficial towards all Somalia like Puntland does.
Its funny seeing an mj/PL and mx/Gedo discussing cluelessly about HG/GM affairs kkkkk.

Sxbyaal every Somali State had or is currently having its own Civil war just as GM is facing it today, by example;

-Somaliland had their Isaaq Habro wars in SL 90s
-Puntland had their Mahmoud salebaan mjs wars in 2000s,
-Jubaland is currently having it with OG VS MX from 2012-ongoing
-Hirshabelle Abgaal VS Xawadle
-Koonfur Galbeed Hadama VS Leesan
-Galmudug intra-HG civil war about to end with terrorists Ahlu-sunnah chapter

You see every state is having its own Civil war for dominating their respective States.


Its funny seeing an mj/PL and mx/Gedo discussing cluelessly about HG/GM affairs kkkkk.

Sxbyaal every Somali State had or is currently having its own Civil war just as GM is facing it today, by example;

-Somaliland had their Isaaq Habro wars in SL 90s
-Puntland had their Mahmoud salebaan mjs wars in 2000s,
-Jubaland is currently having it with OG VS MX from 2012-ongoing
-Hirshabelle Abgaal VS Xawadle
-Koonfur Galbeed Hadama VS Leesan
-Galmudug intra-HG civil war about to end with terrorists Ahlu-sunnah chapter

You see every state is having its own Civil war for dominating their respective States.

Every local war has an outsider proxy element. GM isn't any different. PL n Marehan are playing their cards. PL war was a proxy set up by abdiqasim hassan salat when he used ali khalif galayr as pm to fund a tng supporter Jama Ali Jama as PL president in 2001 and to put federation to an early end. It's well known our earlier war in 92 involved alitihaad 'dahir aways' running around using his 'abti card' to recruit terrorists locally.

PL has been stable ever since. PL must play it's role in GM, we don't like mogadishu gets involved in GM affairs and presidency as it's not following in federation guidelines. Anaga siyasad bay naga tahay which is a long term vision where we want to see all regional governments following PL bottom up processes and exclude Mogadishu involvement. Till that happens we envision they're cud be federal goons who have a disagreement with PL and then using GM as a war-fronts against PL.

The question is who is qoorqoor real supporter is it Farmajo who selected him in the first place or is it PL who backs him militarily. That's something u HG goons need to decide who is your ally and foe. But there is no question there is MJ/Marehan differences are spilling over on who control GM. PL wants a federal ally in GM and as another Jubaland been kuma sheegayo aniga, we want as many federation alliances as possible to dethrone mogadishu centralist guided leaders in the future. For Marehan well it's simply being re-elected that counts for them and ensuring friendly GM federal MPs. Now u decide who u side with and let get this shit on.


@Bariire marehan n majerten are not friends because marehan accuse Majerten of inspiring rebel groups in the nation and leading to down-fall of Siyad Barre. Majerten accuse Marehan of creatin a walalaha galgaduud coalition and invading Kismayo with Cayr support. Shit has never been friendly between us and for GM to side with both is what is causing your instability, hal meer ku biira, never 'two sides' who are not friendly nor see somalia in the same vision.

I warn u Farmajo end goal is simply to be relected and his ensuring GM federal MPS are pro n&n. PL goal is to create another similar JL federation alliance with GM to keep the centralist goons knocked out for good. Either GM needs to kick Mogadishu or cut ties with PL, u can't eat your cake both ways, especially when marehan and majerten are not friendly. Anyways 'gooftu waa guriceel'

Marehan want a weak federalism with a strong central authority in hamar, most clans who don't have a state are also in this camp.


Its funny seeing an mj/PL and mx/Gedo discussing cluelessly about HG/GM affairs kkkkk.

Sxbyaal every Somali State had or is currently having its own Civil war just as GM is facing it today, by example;

-Somaliland had their Isaaq Habro wars in SL 90s
-Puntland had their Mahmoud salebaan mjs wars in 2000s,
-Jubaland is currently having it with OG VS MX from 2012-ongoing
-Hirshabelle Abgaal VS Xawadle
-Koonfur Galbeed Hadama VS Leesan
-Galmudug intra-HG civil war about to end with terrorists Ahlu-sunnah chapter

You see every state is having its own Civil war for dominating their respective States.
Do not lump me in with that mad man, I have stated clearly Idgaf about iljeex on iljeex gang violence, and you know very well I am not interested in picking sides as I see you all as low level moriyaans, especially those in Galnus, at least the Abgaal assimilated ones in Xamar are a bit more civilized.
Do not lump me in with that mad man, I have stated clearly Idgaf about iljeex on iljeex gang violence, and you know very well I am not interested in picking sides as I see you all as low level moriyaans, especially those in Galnus, at least the Abgaal assimilated ones in Xamar are a bit more civilized.
That divide and conquer only works for mj because they know that the precideny isnt the most important thing in politics.


That divide and conquer only works for mj because they know that the precideny isnt the most important thing in politics.

A GM that is a federal ally of PL like JL is far more long-term thinking then a silly president election. We can knock out the centralists by having 'strong states' with more 'autonomy' and make 'federal politics' be so weak that only the 'losers' are sent to it and everyone stays in their land with their people to progress rather then fight over a stupid kursi every 4 years with foreign meddling. This will make hamar 'ceromonial' and 'symbolic' and no-one will have any vested interest in it anymore and lead to Somalis reconciling because everyone is at their own home with their own power.

At least with bottom up federation models, there is no meddling allowed from the outside and it has to be all 'locally constructed' with their locals taking the lead on who represents them not some guy from america ama hamar telling them who should lead them. That isn't federation, that is cannibals who cannabalized federalism to make the regions 'insignicant'.
A GM that is a federal ally of PL like JL is far more long-term thinking then a silly president election. We can knock out the centralists by having 'strong states' with more 'autonomy' and make 'federal politics' be so weak that only the 'losers' are sent to it and everyone stays in their land with their people to progress rather then fight over a stupid kursi every 4 years with foreign meddling. This will make hamar 'ceromonial' and 'symbolic' and no-one will have any vested interest in it anymore and lead to Somalis reconciling because everyone is at their own home with their own power.

At least with bottom up federation models, there is no meddling allowed from the outside and it has to be all 'locally constructed' with their locals taking the lead on who represents them not some guy from america ama hamar telling them who should lead them. That isn't federation, that is cannibals who cannabalized federalism to make the regions 'insignicant'.
Sounds very much like Yoguslavia pre US meddling. What about the Qaran? Our are you pro another lidoorstan?


Sounds very much like Yoguslavia pre US meddling. What about the Qaran? Our are you pro another lidoorstan?

We need a well-crafted federation where duties and powers are delimited and designated clearly in the constitution and not left as some 'gray area' that can be interpreted how one see's fit, but we are not crazy to discuss constitutional matters untill 'regional states' are established following PL model, at least then we know that the constitution will be pro states in many areas of federal and state power sharing.

Then we will ensure a proper constitutional court is implemented immediately once the constitution is ratified as official and there will be no more conflict. To put a 4 year kursi in mogdishu and have clans compete for it will just lead to instability and nothing ever getting done because 4 years isn't enough to get things done, u need 'long time of stability' to get things done and by having states return home and focus on their region, they are no longer concerned with their survival because their power and responsibility has been delegated back to them and they won't no longer need to fight and compete for mogadishu and make that place unstable which is in mogadishu long term interest to get all these clans away from the capital and let them have their own local banadir government and a symbolic federal government who is 'limited' in it's duties, they will still have duties but not 'powerful duties' is the idea behind federation. We don't want to collapse because of some asshole in mogadishu, if mogadishu today burns the regions can still operate

