Gun battles break out in Beirut Lebanon civil war!

It sounds supicious that they would resist investigating the port bomb. Hate costs lives.

Hezbollah Rafidhas we’re hiding explosive materials and chemicals they use to make their Warheads and Missiles in that port. It is very obvious who was behind that attack although Israel may have been involved as well.
European Somalis have almost no contact with Lebanese people yet expressing sentiment like that.

Imagine if they lived in Sydney and had to deal with them on a daily basis.


I went to school with them, and they were... interesting.

I hadn't been suspended from school for any reason (let alone fighting) before I met them.



Arrogant racist self hating lot that claim descent from the romans. Honestly idc that much what happens to them. The ones in the UK are having a huge meltdown, this one leb guy honestly tried to convince me that this is happening because some jealous western powers want to steal lebanon from france so france can't help them recover.

French ass kissing to the max.


