Gudoomiyaha Kuxigeenka Ceelbuur reports from the front


@The Midlands QoorQoor is trying to pull out of the coming op 😂. First he tried to send us in without Danab into the meat grinder, then now he’s saying pull out from Barujeed.

Dadkaan lugooye waaye. QQ and the rest of them need to be swept out. HSM doesn’t know how badly he’s being sabotaged by these guys.

QQ is paying big money to try to convince Cayr to pullout of the op. It’s looking like a bidding war between HSM/Mahad and QQ. QQ with Qatari/Fahad money.

But we are after something bigger and can’t abandon HSM now. Futile from QoorQoor!


i Hope they keep the gains they made recent months.

@bidenkulaha when phase 2 start?
Can we give our SNA a rest. Start the ops after baydhabo elections in SWS December

Phase 2 only starts after phase 1. And there’s been a set back as phase 1 is taking a long time to be completed. Secondly we need the frontline states in the phase 2 so a lot of political stuff will get in the way so no time frame

