Greta Thunberg says world is 'f***ed' unless everyone becomes vegan!

Would you go plant-based for the world?

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Every animal in this planet: I need to spread my DNA, and do you know what? screw everyone else
Retard Humans: We are harming the animals and the planet, we need to sterilize the newborn babies ASAP!

100% Facts, no other species gives a shit if another species goes extinct, except humans. Why are we worried about animals so much. We need to worry about ourselves. I get disgusted when I see gofundme's for animals/pets, save that money for human causes!


The one and only 4head
She's right.
But her methods are way too extreme for the average humans.

The vegan lifestyle is fine, as there are tons of ways to find protein and calories, as our ancient ancestors were hunter-gatherers.
But I wouldn't advise leaving one diet to another, the time of adaptation has to be in years of transitioning from Meat-based diets to Vegan diets.

In my opinion, I do share the same feelings as many Vegans with our over-consumption of meat, while we produce on a large scale, we also risk our planet's ecosystem, as our western lifestyle harms nature with our pollutions (destructions of aboral forests in Brazil and Indonesia).

Though the West is becoming more self-aware about its implications of worsening our Mother Earth's health, many developing countries such as India and China are overly polluting as well.
China only represents 20% of the World's pollution. It's exhaustingly horrible! We can't keep up like this, as our mineral resources are limited, and our human demography is ever-increasing.

I'd suggest that as Citizens (or children) of Earth, in smaller communities, we can work on limiting our carbon impact by reducing food overconsumption (especially meat, since cows' carbon emission, is astronomical). On a larger scale, as States, we can work on limiting the actions of Corporate companies (the biggest ones; only a hundred companies who are responsible for over 70% of our global pollution!)

It is tremendously important for us, as young adults, to work for the next generations.
She's right.
But her methods are way too extreme for the average humans.

The vegan lifestyle is fine, as there are tons of ways to find protein and calories, as our ancient ancestors were hunter-gatherers.
But I wouldn't advise leaving one diet to another, the time of adaptation has to be in years of transitioning from Meat-based diets to Vegan diets.

In my opinion, I do share the same feelings as many Vegans with our over-consumption of meat, while we produce on a large scale, we also risk our planet's ecosystem, as our western lifestyle harms nature with our pollutions (destructions of aboral forests in Brazil and Indonesia).

Though the West is becoming more self-aware about its implications of worsening our Mother Earth's health, many developing countries such as India and China are overly polluting as well.
China only represents 20% of the World's pollution. It's exhaustingly horrible! We can't keep up like this, as our mineral resources are limited, and our human demography is ever-increasing.

I'd suggest that as Citizens (or children) of Earth, in smaller communities, we can work on limiting our carbon impact by reducing food overconsumption (especially meat, since cows' carbon emission, is astronomical). On a larger scale, as States, we can work on limiting the actions of Corporate companies (the biggest ones; only a hundred companies who are responsible for over 70% of our global pollution!)

It is tremendously important for us, as young adults, to work for the next generations.
nigga nobody reading all that
100% Facts, no other species gives a shit if another species goes extinct, except humans. Why are we worried about animals so much. We need to worry about ourselves. I get disgusted when I see gofundme's for animals/pets, save that money for human causes!
There's benefits to this like the video below but stopping the consumption of meat all together is a big no
Ok lazygoodle.
View attachment 186703

My Geeljire DNA won't allow for this, sorry Greta :kanyeshrug:

they want a future in which only the rich elites eat steaks, chicken, etc, while the working class eat plants. no thanks!


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
She's not wrong, over-consumption of meat, cows farting methane into the air and land being cleared for meat production is a large contribution to pollution.

I ain't giving up meat though
Does anyone actually take the opinion of this fetal alcohol syndrome shill seriously?:heh:
I like watching people get triggered by an 18 year old telling them to be environmentally conscious. Imagine being 50 years old and getting your blood pressure up over a kid.


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