Goojacade reprisals

What a story. It's rumoured to have happened yesterday during duhr time.

Maanta salaadii duhur wuxuu dagaal ka dhex qarxay askarta Samaroon ee tolkay ah ee dagaalka Laascaanood qadiyad la'aanta ugu dagaalamaaya ee jooga Saldhiga GOOJACADE iyo askarta iidoor-ta ah ee reerkooga iyo maamulkooda Somaliland u dagaalamaya. Dagaalkani wuxuu dhacay intii maanta lagu mashquulsanaa dagaalkii Maraaga ka dhacay.

Nin iidoor-ta ah waliba jufada habar-jeclo ah ayaa nin Jibriil Yoonisa oo Reer Dudub ah askartana ay ka wada tirsanaayeen ayaa ku idhi askarigii Reer Dudub "Waar ninkaagan Samaroonoow horta tolkaagu miyayna aargoosiga ba aqoonin waxaan daawaday ninkii Taliye Khadar Xabeeb inaad sandule ku aasateen iyadoon la idin baryayna aad qaadanaysaan Magtii marxuunkiinee, saw maanta ba ninkii inaadeerkay ahaa jeelka kuma dhex raaxaysanayo maxay tolkaa TVyada uga booteynayeen iyagoin aqoonin sida loo aarguto". Ninkii jibriil yoonis ee Reer Dudub markuu intaasi maqlay ayuu ninkii ku jees jeesaayay 10 xabadood ku jarjarey isagiina nin kale oo Sacad Muuse ahaa oo garab taagnaa ayaa ninkii jibriil yoonis ee Reer Dudub isna 30 xabo ku jarjarey. Goobta falkani ka dhacayay isna waxaan ka fogeyn nin kale oo ahaa Xeeb-Jire ayaa markuu arkay inaadeerkii oo hortiisa lagu dilay isaguna wuxu goobtii ku dilay ninkii Sacad Muuse iyo nin kale oo askarta iidoor-ta ah, ninkii Xeeb-Jirana isagana isla goobtii ayaa lagu dilay.

Wadarta guud ee dhimashadu waa laba nin oo Samaroon ah iyo sadex nin oo iidoor-ta ah balse dhaawacyo badan ayaa jira reer walbana dhufeyskiisa ayuu galay askartii Samaroona waxaa laga go'doomiyay kaydka rasaasta. U maleyn maayo inuu istaagaayo dagaalka meeshaasi ka dhex qarxay ee salka ku haya dilkii badheedhka ahaa ee Taliye Khadar Xabeeb dhawaan lagu dilay.

Xogtani waxaa i soo siiyay rag ciidamada Somaliland ka tirsan oo war gal ah cidii u baahan xaqiijinteedu waa la xidhiidhi kartaa askarta joogta Goojacade xog intan aan idiin sheegay ka faahfaahsana waa inooga soo warami karaan.

Posted by Abdifatah Meecaad
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Those 2 from Jibril Yonis, and Xeebjire rag dhiigle bay ahayeen

They shouldn't have been taking part in the war in Sool along with the other Samaroon soldiers in the first place, and should've left a long time ago, but at least they redeemed themselves by taking 3 idoors (1 from HJ, 1 from HA, and another unknown), with them to the grave. The score is settled for now :win:
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This is crazy if true.. I don't know much about the Samaroon apart from @Sophisticate but why are they letting their people get subjugated by this delusional Somaliland project? Are they smaller and easy to rule by the Isaaq tribe or? Please explain what's happening.


Nabaddoonka Somaaliyeed "
They said a month ago that there was a fight between garxajis and habar jeclo
Saamroon are Few there maybe only 10% of the army
Sheeko caruureed. 🤡
You would be better off being a clown 🤡
No point trying to save face because one was from your clan. Xogta waa la hayaa

Even other Samaroon are reporting the same thing.

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
This is crazy if true.. I don't know much about the Samaroon apart from @Sophisticate but why are they letting their people get subjugated by this delusional Somaliland project? Are they smaller and easy to rule by the Isaaq tribe or? Please explain what's happening.
Most don't know about Samaroon and can't name one of their subclans. They erroneously assume they are like a political block on the same page when that couldn't be further from the truth. They are more divided today than they were 20 years ago. Their numbers are large, and they have a Somali province where they are the majority (and live mostly across the border). They have decent population density and arable land, but that doesn't matter if they can't get it together. This is sorely not unique to them but a Somali problem.

Don't ask yourself whether you are a blue or a tri-colour coat.

Ask yourself why many would be politically disenchanted and disinterested in participating in a certain project. Could it be because they kept a scorecard and realized they were not in a mutually beneficial relationship? Could it be that their civilians were attacked or killed, and those responsible expected to escape without impunity? Any problem you try to ignore will eventually snowball over time. Grievances can only pile up so long until they hit a critical mass. The old way of payoffs won't work. You can't use the most self-serving with the lowest levels of integrity and give them posts hoping to placate that clan's masses, as the young people may feel completely detached from these political figures and come to disrespect or challenge them. After all, the young men aren't eating as 'good' as the geezers and are less invested and hence have much less to lose.

Eventually, the Moryaan politics of metaphorically stealing stale bariis and giving a sack or two of kickbacks to stooges who can help police the starving majority will fail. The gaajo ones will cause a mutiny if you push them far enough. Also, the old heads will eventually be replaced with new blood (hopefully more intelligent and aware) than their predecessors.



2 Samaroon soldiers killed 3 Isaaq soldiers and laced them with an entire case of bullets. The 3 Isaaq were HJ and HA. Nobody fully knows what exactly triggered the event. There are a few rumours but most likely there were some verbal exchanges and that led to the killings.

