Goodnight story for ciyaal!

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Redneck Nativity
From the Gospel acording to Jim Bob Jr.

And lo, the savior was born unto the virgin in the Citgo station, where he was adored by the three wise drivers. And many animals did come from miles around the Tyranosaurus Rex and the Triceratops came unto the gas station to gaze in wild wonder. And the blue angels did do a fly over and the helicopters did zoom low as Hewrod had ordered. Then the aliens did come to abduct and probe him, like they did unto my Uncle Jack that one halloween when we were in mexico, but the savior did do a triple back flip out of the manger and did sit upon the back of the T-Rex and did signal his followers to make a charge against the martians and jet fighters. The Dinosaurs did attack the aliens and send their little green butts back to space. Herods helicopters did watch this and wet themselves and turn and run and fled. And the savior did slide off the back of the T-Rex and did address those and loyal to him saying 'My children thank you for the 5,000 pageviews and hail to thee, In Earnhardt's name we pray, Amen'

Here ends the lesson. lol
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