Golaha Degaanka Jowhar

:pachah1:lol low IQ cawaanka is talking about council seat in a poor backward shithole called jowhar when Xawadles have a bigger ambition like creating their own region Hiiraanstate which is 2 times bigger than the mini gobol middle shabelle.

Why would Xawadle care about jowhar when they can rule Hiiraanstate that is 3x bigger than all of abgaal lands.
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:pachah1:lol low IQ cawaanka is talking about council seat in a poor backward shithole called jowhar when Xawadles have a bigger ambition like creating their own region Hiiraanstate which is 2 times bigger than the mini gobol middle shabelle.

Why would Xawadle care about jowhar when they can rule Hiiraanstate that is 3x bigger than all of abgaal lands.
Xawaadle haku wasaan xaa kaaga shaqo jiro dhuqbo


Golo Cawaan ah ku dhex jir is insult for us ilaahow maan 10 qaadano i have nothing to do with Cawaans

These shameless tuugo waxay maanta isku rakibeen hotel ay dhaheen waa bankisbaaro 🤣🤣

Dawlada dhexe ayaa xataa leh markaaseey hirshabelle lee yihiin nin Aabihiis dameer wadi jiray muxuu ka yaqaan bank 🤣🤣

Lacagtii dhismaha waa cuneen as usual tuugo tuugo dhashay.

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Calaacalkiina FB naga badan eboow but it was you claiming Jowhar is yours on here. Waxaa tahay horta ma lugu tuusiye? Bahdilka wuu socona :pachah1:
Golo Cawaan ah ku dhex jir is insult for us ilaahow maan 10 qaadano i have nothing to do with Cawaans

These shameless tuugo waxay maanta isku rakibeen hotel ay dhaheen waa bankisbaaro 🤣🤣

Dawlada dhexe ayaa xataa leh markaaseey hirshabelle lee yihiin nin Aabihiis dameer wadi jiray muxuu ka yaqaan bank 🤣🤣

Lacagtii dhismaha waa cuneen as usual tuugo tuugo dhashay.

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:mjlol: Cawaan state
half if not more of Abgaal lands are located outside of Hirshabelle. Can’t say that for other clans though lol. Mudulood hiraab live in more gobol than any other southern clan :manny: