Going to maqaayad's


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
I can't go there by myself. I went to one Somali restaurant and the fob at the counter was taking cheap shots at how shit my spoken Somali was. I swear to fucking whatever fucking diety us up in the sky I should've reported that dickhead to immigration. He lives in England, doesn't know English and makes fun of me for not knowing proper Somali. Not only that, I heard audible laughter from a bunch of odaayal. The more he made fun of me the more flustered I got and the odaayal would giggle preteens even more. It was like a never ending cycle of a horror show:kendrickcry:

I grabbed my bariis and digaag then quick walked out of there. I went home feeling like a but hey I went to a maqaayad successfully without my dad talking for hours with his friends and acting like a translator for me. I open the bag, take the white paper cover off the tin foil and find out this nigga put hilib and raisins in there without the any of the chicken. I've never gone back to a Somali restaurant without my pop's since.


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
ive noticed the odaays grow huge xiniyo when someone enters alone
otherwise they mind their own business like miiskin jiir
A bunch of unemployed fatties talking about Somali politics like it's fantasy football and judging other people.

I hope I never turn into that

