Girls that wear excessive makeup

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Also ladies take your man swimming on the first date as well. Make sure his chains are on to see if they fake.

No need to be messing with a broke nigga that can’t afford real gold chains.

LooOL even me

I was in my late-ish teens when I found out about weaves. Bro, I remember being like 11-12 and watching an episode of Everybody Hates Chris. There was a scene where his mum takes off her weave and squared up on someone. I was legit confused. Wallahi I thought they maybe put a bald cap on top of her real hair and then put a weave on top of that. Even contemplated if they paid her extra to shave her long hair off before thinking ehh f*ck it.
View attachment 51467 your looking to get fooled lol. I mean get yourself a girl with a fat ass but the caked bit:browtf: she might end up looking like a bahal without the makeup. It's never a good thing.
This is no make up this is full ski mask. I would shoot her if I saw her walking around the house the next day. R u fucking kidding me? I would automatically assume it was a tuug

This woman is an Afro-Colombian and a news anchor for a TV station. She straightened her hair for 15 years to fit in with the beauty stereo-type of straightened hair European women.


Then one day, she decided bugger them, I'm sick of this and will go my curly natural hair. There was an uproar in Colombia.

Why are people in Colombia talking about this news anchor’s hairstyle?

Mábel Lara’s decision to leave her hair curly has been hailed as an act of resistance for the Afro-Colombian community.

If this lady is considered black in Colombia, how Caucasian are you? If you were in Colombia, you would've been treated like her, then why hate black people?
Why do defend black people when you're so against Somalis? U even denied our proven history qashin
I live in Arizona so it’s way too hot to have a full beat. Also I’m lazy so I don’t have time to walk up early and put on a lot of makeup. My routine is basically B.B. cream with spf, tinged chapstick, and brows. Eyelash extensions are bomb bf it makes you look put together without any effort.
Yup never wore makeup in highschool. But rn the minimalist makeup look is on trend and im living for it :rejoice: i despise foundation so this is the trend for me finally. I live for this makeup look.

Finally a trend that i can back. Makeup should enhance not invent!

On the days im being extra and wanna look poppin ill do something similar to this look minus foundation. Maybe a tinted moisturizer if im being extra. But i am heeeerree for the minimalist trend. I was getting tired of all the drag queen makeup and the insta brows akhas those insta brows man:stopit:

Cream blush, lip stain, eyebrow gel. Thats a go to.


Ashy Abdi Representative
I learned how decieiving makeup and weaves were pretty late in my life.

In 9th grade I had a crush on a girl and one day she came to school with no make up and I was looking at her like :mugshotman::dwill::holeup:

It took me until 11th grade to realize that some females wearing weaves. I thought this one girl was dying her hair every week until one day I saw her get into a fight and someone snatched her weave off.
Wallahi I was confused . Like wtf this chick bald :what1:.
Bald :mjlol::damn::deadosama:
I've seen this too this girl had her friend pull it off we were all confused since with wasn't even a straight weave it was her texture hair just bigger. The girl had one inch sticking up on her head this whole time decieiving us, whilst she used to scream "I'm glad I'm mixed and not full black I feel bad for those girls who can't get long hair". The irony:damedamn:
Yup never wore makeup in highschool. But rn the minimalist makeup look is on trend and im living for it :rejoice: i despise foundation so this is the trend for me finally. I live for this makeup look.

Finally a trend that i can back. Makeup should enhance not invent!
View attachment 51473
On the days im being extra and wanna look poppin ill do something similar to this look minus foundation. Maybe a tinted moisturizer if im being extra. But i am heeeerree for the minimalist trend. I was getting tired of all the drag queen makeup and the insta brows akhas those insta brows man:stopit:

Cream blush, lip stain, eyebrow gel. Thats a go to.
Being minimal is always going to be poppin f*ck a full beat

This woman is an Afro-Colombian and a news anchor for a TV station. She straightened her hair for 15 years to fit in with the beauty stereo-type of straightened hair European women.


Then one day, she decided bugger them, I'm sick of this and will go my curly natural hair. There was an uproar in Colombia.

Why are people in Colombia talking about this news anchor’s hairstyle?

Mábel Lara’s decision to leave her hair curly has been hailed as an act of resistance for the Afro-Colombian community.

If this lady is considered black in Colombia, how Caucasian are you? If you were in Colombia, you would've been treated like her, then why hate black people?
People in Colombia don't like blackness. Stuff such as afro hair a big nose and dark skin is very bad for a person in Colombia. Especially for women. They get treated like shit. But I don't hate all blacks. I love the afro colombians in my country they contributed so much to colombian culture and society. I just don't like west and central Africans tbh

This is why I wear less make up as I grow older and when I do as minimal as possible unless it’s acceptable eg wedding or event at night.

I try to work on my natural skin and look naturally beautiful without make up.
Yes always love your natural self. A caked face might be in trend but don't follow the crowd. Follow what you like. Wallahi girls need to love themselves.
People in Colombia don't like blackness. Stuff such as afro hair a big nose and dark skin is very bad for a person in Colombia. Especially for women. They get treated like shit. But I don't hate all blacks. I love the afro colombians in my country they contributed so much to colombian culture and society. I just don't like west and central Africans tbh


You sound like a German or a Nordic blonde when you said, ‘you don’t hate the Afro-Colombians’ when they look just like (given that genuinely you are a half-caste) you. Let me reiterate my question to you. If you will be considered an “inferior black” Colombian and your Somali father will be considered as an African , why hate on other Africans?
I wish girls stopped wearing make up altogether. Stop hiding your insecurities and deal with them. You're beautiful in your own way.

You sound like a German or a Nordic blonde when you said, ‘you don’t hate the Afro-Colombians’ when they look just like (given that genuinely you are a half-caste) you. Let me reiterate my question to you. If you will be considered an “inferior black” Colombian and your Somali father will be considered as an African ******, why hate on other Africans?
Nah I don't look afro colombian at all. Loool somali genes are very weak. My mother is not afro colombian eirher so i wont look it.Anyways I don't look "African" you know the stereoptypical look so Colombians give me a pass. The more white you look the better
Nah I don't look afro colombian at all. Loool somali genes are very weak. My mother is not afro colombian eirher so i wont look it.Anyways I don't look "African" you know the stereoptypical look so Colombians give me a pass. The more white you look the better
Shame but it's true. Whitness is worshipped. Absolutely shameful. Often islamic countries are the worst at this. Whilst there is no religion that explicitly bans people from admiring a white person over a black, besides Islam.
Some girls don't Let their face breath. Most girls start wearing makeup from young and don't know when to stop using it. Many say the bullshit excuse of "makeup is art" I think for many woman that's a fucking lie. If that was the case then they would know to stop using it once in a while and feel secure going bareface somwhere. Many women these days cant go to the shops without makeup because they are too insecure of their natural God given beauty.

I would always want to wear makeup when I was 14 but my mum would say no. I would argue and say why everyone else in my school wears it. Now I know why she kept me wearing makeup when I was younger. Because I would grow up to never stop using it and it will become a drug.

Ladies when you have kids make sure you don't teach your kids to wear makeup. Teach them to love themselves in how Allah created them. In this day and age makeup is severely abused and many do drag queen type makeup which I am not fond of

Looks at this girl for example her eyebrows are so fucked up la xawla:mjlol:

i have full thick eyebrows , girls always think i put on makeup :fittytousand:
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