Ghastly Failmaajo sinking to new lows?


Sunni Syrians have failed to unify their ranks. They were also used by Gulf Arab countries and their Western backers to start the insurrection in Syria. The intention was to destroy Syria, make sure there is no unified opposition that can take over the country, and bleed the country to its knees. This was all part of Greater Israel Project. Russians intervened and put an end to it.

The so-called groups in Idlib are no different than Al-Shabaab.
They've already suceeded, Syria is destablized and isn't threat to Israel anymore.

Also know the intention of the West plan to make divisive federal system like in Iraq and Somalia
Not true, vast majority of Assadists are Sunni.

One of my best friends is Syrian Sunni from Aleppo, he supports Assad. Primary reason being, that there’s no one better.
I meant the Alawite cult, which is only considered Muslim because of regional politics.


Forza Somalia!

Shows you what kind of person and leader this fake president when his foreign minister talks to his counterpart from........Syria!

That's right folks, the chief diplomat of an illegal Nusayri minority regime which killed almost a million Syrians.

However can we surprised when Mr McCheese is a fan and distant relative to the late fascist that mass murdered his own citizens
The Assad family are murderers and do things you never think about, some families who fled to the west don’t know where their other family members are, since they were taking by Syrian secret police, they don’t know whether they are died or alive, so most of them search for any leak of names of who died in Assad’s prisons. They were some leaks, many found their brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, etc in these leaks while they are in qurbo. It is tragedy.


Forza Somalia!
Sunni Syrians have failed to unify their ranks. They were also used by Gulf Arab countries and their Western backers to start the insurrection in Syria. The intention was to destroy Syria, make sure there is no unified opposition that can take over the country, and bleed the country to its knees. This was all part of Greater Israel Project. Russians intervened and put an end to it.

The so-called groups in Idlib are no different than Al-Shabaab.
The audacity some of you who don’t know anything about what the Syrians went through is astonishing. Their uprising was legit and justified.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Assad prevailed against the Western-Israeli axis. May he reign forever, bad dictator is much better than lawless shithole i.e Somalia
The audacity some of you who don’t know anything about what the Syrians went through is astonishing. Their uprising was legit and justified.

The audacity of you acting as an authority on Syria when you know jack sh-t about what you're talking about. In Islam, before a jihad is declared, a cost benefit analysis needs to be carried out, there must be an amiirul-mu'iniin whom all Muslims in that vicinity are taking orders from, and the dictator must have denied Muslims there for praying and carrying out their other religious duties.

Bashar Al-Assad didn't deny Muslims in Syria to carry out their religious obligations; there hasn't been an Amiirul Mu'miniin whom all Muslims pledge allegiance to; and the the fitna costs far outweighed the benefits since the countries who were pushing the insurrection were far worse than Syria under Bashar Al-Assad.

Today, after millions of Syrians were killed or wounded, over ten million Syrians were also driven out of their lands and necame prey for all criminals in all of the other countries. This was indeed a fitna - the same Gulf-Arab and Western-backed insurrection in Libya that destroyed that country and created an anarchy. If that is what people like you prefer, it is not something acceptable to rational people.


Forza Somalia!
The audacity of you acting as an authority on Syria when you know jack sh-t about what you're talking about. In Islam, before a jihad is declared, a cost benefit analysis needs to be carried out, there must be an amiirul-mu'iniin whom all Muslims in that vicinity are taking orders from, and the dictator must have denied Muslims there for praying and carrying out their other religious duties.

Bashar Al-Assad didn't deny Muslims in Syria to carry out their religious obligations; there hasn't been an Amiirul Mu'miniin whom all Muslims pledge allegiance to; and the the fitna costs far outweighed the benefits since the countries who were pushing the insurrection were far worse than Syria under Bashar Al-Assad.

Today, after millions of Syrians were killed or wounded, over ten million Syrians were also driven out of their lands and necame prey for all criminals in all of the other countries. This was indeed a fitna - the same Gulf-Arab and Western-backed insurrection in Libya that destroyed that country and created an anarchy. If that is what people like you prefer, it is not something acceptable to rational people.
Who you think you are to set rules whether ppl can oppose oppression or not? You better called out how the gulf states and Iran ruined the Syrian revolution, but you seem one of those who accept injustice for others while you enjoy justice and freedom.
@Roorigeg tell me just one peaceful, functioning country that went from democracy straight to civil war anarchy, bypassing dictatorship

What kind of a question is this? In Islam, stability and Muslims being able to carry out their duties is what is important. The so-called "democracy" that you're running with isn't that important. You simply can't create a fitnah (insurrection) without the ruler denying you to pray and carry out other obligatory Islamic duties.

Besides, there has never been uprising engineered by the world of Zionist - Freemasonry in Muslim countries that has benefited Muslims. Sadly, it occurred in many Muslim country such as Syria, Libya, Somalia, etc. There are rules for an uprising in Islam, and unless you have those, you can't drive the Muslims from living in peace to being living in horror and as refugees. Subahaana'Allah.
Who you think you are to set rules whether ppl can oppose oppression or not? You better called out how the gulf states and Iran ruined the Syrian revolution, but you seem one of those who accept injustice for others while you enjoy justice and freedom.

The Syrians were living in peace before the West through UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar sponsored their insurrection and fake jihad. That is the simple truth.

Declaring Jihad has set of rules, and in Syria there were no conditions at the time that warranted the devastating civil war.


Forza Somalia!
The Syrians were living in peace before the West through UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar sponsored their insurrection and fake jihad. That is the simple truth.

Declaring Jihad has set of rules, and in Syria there were no conditions at the time that warranted the devastating civil war.
The simple truth? What you about the Assad family usurping power over 40 years. What you know about them stealing ppl’s money turning the country to their farmland and make the country into backward one after being the best country in the region. What you know about them commiting a genocide and war crimes in Hamma in 1980’s? One can write whole crimes and oppression stories done by this family. They were known being butchers before 2011 to the Syrian and after 2011 they were known to the world. All these things came together in 2011 and no one can bleame them for asking the Butcher to go resign and let them live in peace
@Roorigeg if the taghut Butcher Al Assad just resigned straight away there wouldn't have been any civil war or further protests I believe. Horta why do these dictators think they have a divine right to stay glued to their thrones for as long as they want


I like milk and potato.
Guys it's absolute the wrong thing to do. Former HSM took a principled stance in denouncing Butcher Al Assad

It's not wrong. The President's responsibility is the state and nation of Somalia. There are a lot of Somalis in Syria. It is incumbent upon this regime to maintain ties for the sake of its interests and citizens.


The Syrians were living in peace before the West through UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar sponsored their insurrection and fake jihad. That is the simple truth.

Declaring Jihad has set of rules, and in Syria there were no conditions at the time that warranted the devastating civil war.
being ruled by gaalo is enough to rebel. assad is an alawite which is gaalnimo. the power of syria was concentrated to extreme shia whose sect is regarded as gaalnimo.


Not true, vast majority of Assadists are Sunni.

One of my best friends is Syrian Sunni from Aleppo, he supports Assad. Primary reason being, that there’s no one better.
No one better? I didnt think it was very difficult to find someone better then a mass murderer.
being ruled by gaalo is enough to rebel. assad is an alawite which is gaalnimo. the power of syria was concentrated to extreme shia whose sect is regarded as gaalnimo.

Since when Muslim scholars declared Bashar Al-Assad to be gaal? This is him praying with other Muslims there. Takfiirism has failed big time in many areas of the world. No fiqh knowledge, just declaring anyone who follow their way of life as "gaals". Good grief.

There is a reason why Somalia is a shithole. Common sense escapes the Somalis.


Forza Somalia!
@Roorigeg if the taghut Butcher Al Assad just resigned straight away there wouldn't have been any civil war or further protests I believe. Horta why do these dictators think they have a divine right to stay glued to their thrones for as long as they want
Or Iran ruining it for the Syrians, but he seems like those Leftists who measure everything based on where the US stand on certain topic
@Roorigeg if the taghut Butcher Al Assad just resigned straight away there wouldn't have been any civil war or further protests I believe. Horta why do these dictators think they have a divine right to stay glued to their thrones for as long as they want

He should not have let his country down by allowing hooligans sponsored by Gulf Arabs and the West to have a free reign. The Ahlu-Sunna in Syria have been taken for a ride by forces who are waging war on the Muslims.
Or Iran ruining it for the Syrians, but he seems like those Leftists who measure everything based on where the US stand on certain topic

Iran supports their fellow Shia and other Muslims who are aligned with them. Where were your Gulf Arab masters? What have they done for the people of Syria? They closed their doors to them even though they sponsored and encouraged the insurrection. Iran is more trustworthy than your fellow useless Gulf Arabs.


Since when Muslim scholars declared Bashar Al-Assad to be gaal? This is him praying with other Muslims there. Takfiirism has failed big time in many areas of the world. No fiqh knowledge, just declaring anyone who follow their way of life as "gaals". Good grief.

There is a reason why Somalia is a shithole. Common sense escapes the Somalis.
Alawites are considered gaal even by Shias regularly.

Do you know anything about Alawite beliefs?

