Getting mistaken as Ethiopian


What sort of shade we talking ? i dont look white , just tan appearance. Somalis are concentrated in a few cities , according to census we are a lot smaller than it seems. Interestingly 62% live in London alone . Im pretty sure census isnt v.accurate tho
Drake skintone but a bit tanner. When I was younger I was extremely pale to the point some woman whispered under her breath "she's soo white" Is no wonder why people get shocked considering most somalis are dark or brown skinned. And yeah Somalis isn't a big community as we all think. There is even certain areas in London were we don't exist.
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I also get mistaken for Habesha. People don't think I'm Somali "you don't look it" they think by telling me this I will feel good about myself.
People always guess I’m Somali (quite tall and the eyes give it away)
But it tends to be followed with some backhanded comment

Not a fan of it


Drakes skin colour is non existent among full Somalis only found in barwanis, reer xamar etc no wonder they think you’re Eritrean that colour is normal for them
Is extremely rare but I'm more tanner now, but when I was much younger I looked biracial. That skintone is definatley not normal amongst Eritreans yes most are lightskin but not that light. Is only common amongst like you said cadcad/barwani who are already mixed.


People always guess I’m Somali (quite tall and the eyes give it away)
But it tends to be followed with some backhanded comment

Not a fan of it
Yup because of negative stereotypes and having Barkhad Abdi as the poster face for Somalis, people can't comprehend Somalis being lightskin or attractive.
That skintone is definatley not normal amongst Eritreans yes most are lightskin but not that light.
Naa it is normal, but not common, also most aren’t lightskin they’re brown usually
But I’ve met multiple that are borderline off white lol, not even lightskin, and they have siblings who are darkskin
No one outside the Horns won’t be able to tell the difference unless they’re exposed to us the same way we can’t tell Asians apart but will once you’re exposed to them.
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I had an Ethiopian ran up behind me once in a train station. All I heard was glottal sound and throat sounds.

When I turned I around quickly( so as to avert the danger of an imminent terrorist attacking)the guy says “Habesha” Habesha”? I say no, but what’s up my friend?

Could you believe this individual scared the living daylights out of me just to ask where he can “xabish food eat injera”.🤣The man got on a train heading to the other source of London just to sauce some raw meat or something 👀

Other than that- I have quintessential Somali look. Somalis were greeting me during lockdown when I had a hat and face mask. Literally just from the face and eyes and a bit of the forehead visible 👀
This last week, I’ve been mistaken for Ethiopian thrice in my workplace:eek:nce by an Indian guy and once by an Afro-Brazilian guy. Just 10 minutes ago, some Adeers greeted me with salaam, and I responded in Somali. He was shocked; he didn’t think I was Somali. So embarrassing—I'm not even short.

Cracking Up Lol GIF


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
I think it depends where you live cause if ur in a place wit a lot of Somalis ppl will assume ur Somali even if u look more Habesha then Somali.

