Get in if you're an incel/ or borderline incel

Incels aren’t a thing because there is poverty back home. If the economy of Somali improves and it become a 1st world country, the same men that struggle In the West will struggle back home. At the end of the day, women are women.
That’s some scary stuff i can’t imagine seeing a farax struggling with a girl. Should we do what the taliban style and ban women from work and schools ?
That’s some scary stuff i can’t imagine seeing a farax struggling with a girl. Should we do what the taliban style and ban women from work and schools ?
Your mentality is even scarier. It’s also why women are opting to not marry so they don’t have to deal with men like you.

Even better, how about you develop your interpersonal skills and just be a decent human? Hypergamy is actually going down in 1st world countries.
Your mentality is even scarier. It’s also why women are opting to not marry so they don’t have to deal with men like you.

Even better, how about you develop your interpersonal skills and just be a decent human? Hypergamy is actually going down in 1st world countries.
Okay what if we do it like the Indians then have women pay for the men? Indian women are very educated but still pay dowry to the men and don’t get divorced easily because Indians don’t marry divorcées.
Bruh I was with you until the last part.
I was only joking hhhhh we can never be ban women from going outside that will increase qowmulud like carabaha and boy raping in Afghanistan Pakistan.
Okay what if we do it like the Indians then have women pay for the men? Indian women are very educated but still pay dowry to the men and don’t get divorced easily because Indians don’t marry divorcées.
Why would women pay Mehr to the men and how does that change anything? Is self improvement so allergic to you that you think you’re entitled to a woman regardless? Also, we’re Muslim. Mehr is the right of a woman.
I was only joking hhhhh we can never be ban women from going outside that will increase qowmulud like carabaha and boy raping in Afghanistan Pakistan.
Why would women pay Mehr to the men and how does that change anything? Is self improvement so allergic to you that you think you’re entitled to a woman regardless? Also, we’re Muslim. Mehr is the right of a woman.
Pakistani are muslim but they still pay to get their daughters married off. I think somali women have the best men when you look at other ethnicities.
This is true but with the rising idealogy of feminism and men being slowly outpaced in the jobspace due to Wokeism many men are struggling to cope. I feel sorry for men, nobody loves them until a woman/children can use them for provision.

They have no outlet for emotional support as he would be regarded as “weak and sissy” so they bottle up their anger and discontent for years until they snap. Atleast in the past such men had wars and booty to collect and could live a meaningful life conquering new lands but today even that is gone.

This is by far the worst century to be a man in history.
Never looked at it from that angle, man shits though :mjkkk::tocry:
This is true but with the rising idealogy of feminism and men being slowly outpaced in the jobspace due to Wokeism many men are struggling to cope. I feel sorry for men, nobody loves them until a woman/children can use them for provision.
According to studies, Hypergamy has gone down. Also, you’re not making sense, if men aren’t doing so well financially, who is able to use them? Also, in a lot of households both men and women are breadwinners and there has been a rise in female breadwinner families. Also, most women actually working. So, in what way are men in the Wesused financially?
They have no outlet for emotional support as he would be regarded as “weak and sissy” so they bottle up their anger and discontent for years until they snap. Atleast in the past such men had wars and booty to collect and could live a meaningful life conquering new lands but today even that is gone.
You do know historically most men weren’t able to procreate right? A lot would die in war or too poor to have a wife? If you look at our ancestry we have more female ancestors than male. What does that tell you?
@Shimbiris that’s true right? It’s due to polygamy I’m guessing. I think you mentioned that with Somalis we have a lot of ayeeyo and we can trace our ancestry to a few males.


According to studies, Hypergamy has gone down. Also, you’re not making sense, if men aren’t doing so well financially, who is able to use them? Also, in a lot of households both are breadwinners with most women actually working. So, in what way are men in the west used financially?

You do know historically most men weren’t able to procreate right? A lot would die in war or too poor to have a wife? If you look at our ancestry we have more female ancestors than male. What does that tell you?

Can I see these studies?
Can I see these studies?
Rather than widespread non-marriage among highly educated women, the dominant pattern is that the rise of women’s education has translated relatively quickly into changes in marriage patterns and an increasing likelihood that women marry down.

More studies/research:

They also talked about it here, which made it me want to research it:

I would have thought it was obvious as more and more households are ones in which both men and women contribute.
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I found this post on why most men in history never reproduced.

First off, we need to keep in mind that most kids in the past did NOT make it to adulthood, that includes boys.

2nd off, of the boys that did make it to adulthood, they might have gotten conscripted to war, got enslaved, or was simply murdered/executed.

Given the war part, the odds were against him depending on his status in society. If he was born in a family of wealth, he might've been able to afford good armor, otherwise his chances of survival were meh at best, especially if he was a frontline soldier.

If he does survive war but his army lost, a dreary life of slavery awaited him. If he was lucky, he would be enslaved by a culture that would eventually have him win his freedom, otherwise he's a slave for life.

If he does prove himself, he might be rewarded by becoming a Eunuch (which of course means no kids...)

Other times, he might just get murdered due to a drunken argument, by a highway robber, or killed by a raiding party of an army or group of nomads (hurr durr Mongols).

Btw, this isn't even mentioning religions that might require vows of virginity (such as choosing to become a monk), disabilities, or mental illnesses.

Not to mention, given how often kids died, polygyny actually made sense. If you marry a bunch of women and have a bunch of kids with each woman, then at least some of the kids will survive to adulthood (only to then murder all the other siblings if you're royalty a la Ottoman harem purges) However, that's also assuming the women don't plot and murder your sons in their own efforts to make sure you have special care for their son and no other sons that weren't hers.

The only problem is that, to even be able to engage in polygyny, you needed to become powerfully wealthy, either by war or becoming a damn good merchant heading hundreds of products to and from economies.

So given ALL that shit a guy hundreds or thousands of years ago had to endure, are we really that surprised that most guys in history didn't get to reproduce? I mean most died before they could have a chance to get a boner, let alone get it in a woman. And when they were old enough, they would die in war, disease, or live in a social status that prevented them from reproducing.
I found this post on why most men in history never reproduced.

First off, we need to keep in mind that most kids in the past did NOT make it to adulthood, that includes boys.

2nd off, of the boys that did make it to adulthood, they might have gotten conscripted to war, got enslaved, or was simply murdered/executed.

Given the war part, the odds were against him depending on his status in society. If he was born in a family of wealth, he might've been able to afford good armor, otherwise his chances of survival were meh at best, especially if he was a frontline soldier.

If he does survive war but his army lost, a dreary life of slavery awaited him. If he was lucky, he would be enslaved by a culture that would eventually have him win his freedom, otherwise he's a slave for life.

If he does prove himself, he might be rewarded by becoming a Eunuch (which of course means no kids...)

Other times, he might just get murdered due to a drunken argument, by a highway robber, or killed by a raiding party of an army or group of nomads (hurr durr Mongols).

Btw, this isn't even mentioning religions that might require vows of virginity (such as choosing to become a monk), disabilities, or mental illnesses.

Not to mention, given how often kids died, polygyny actually made sense. If you marry a bunch of women and have a bunch of kids with each woman, then at least some of the kids will survive to adulthood (only to then murder all the other siblings if you're royalty a la Ottoman harem purges) However, that's also assuming the women don't plot and murder your sons in their own efforts to make sure you have special care for their son and no other sons that weren't hers.

The only problem is that, to even be able to engage in polygyny, you needed to become powerfully wealthy, either by war or becoming a damn good merchant heading hundreds of products to and from economies.

So given ALL that shit a guy hundreds or thousands of years ago had to endure, are we really that surprised that most guys in history didn't get to reproduce? I mean most died before they could have a chance to get a boner, let alone get it in a woman. And when they were old enough, they would die in war, disease, or live in a social status that prevented them from reproducing.
The last 120 years were an anomaly in history were large numbers of men were actually able to reproduce hence the population boom. Things are returning to how they always were.
This is true but with the rising idealogy of feminism and men being slowly outpaced in the jobspace due to Wokeism many men are struggling to cope. I feel sorry for men, nobody loves them until a woman/children can use them for provision.

They have no outlet for emotional support as he would be regarded as “weak and sissy” so they bottle up their anger and discontent for years until they snap. Atleast in the past such men had wars and booty to collect and could live a meaningful life conquering new lands but today even that is gone.

This is by far the worst century to be a man in history.
Stop being a cry baby being a man is great
Can anyone explain to be hypergamy?
Because in my own real life I never see it, I see men and women from all backgrounds marrying each other, poor people marry poor people rich marry rich, everyone is dating/marying each other,
If this assertion women only go with 20% of men(which is a load of BS) is true, then why don't I see 80% of men single and 20% of men with 5 wives each?
In an ideal world a women would be hypergamous and get the best man, but women don't live in that world, they usually settle for a average man and happily ever after
Noone ever thought differently, its only incels online who can't get women who say this.
I personally would argue getting a women is too easy nowadays, women need to heighten their standards abit, because they seem to love bad men
Lol.. Some women are attracted to bad men, apparently because they're more alpha or some shit.