Gegiroor, Sakhraan Dhulka jiifsaday

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Inshallah one day you will

Highly doubt it, but I just nod my head to appease my dad when he says that.

Unlike other adeer Toms, I love my parents and I'm grateful for everything they've done for me. Their feelings & well being is far more important to me than the acknowledgement and approval of white people. I know where my loyalty lies.
This me me me me me calcaal is getting repetitive. Atheists provoke and cry when someone throws their bullshit to their faces.

We get it, you don't want to be in a religion. Save us the calcaal and worry about yourself.


Lady Idman never disappoints me. You're magnificent, Idman.
I think Ciddharta is a mulitinicker; otherwise, when did he and I converse on any thing in SS? Not sure what is bothering this fella, but he needs to take that disgusting giff that he is throwing around. I guess he needs to bring proof on why I used these words: subhuman, AIDS-infested, & bakhti.
Atheism is a lack of belief - there is no doctrine unless you're trying to be famous for it.

I support my fellow atheists.

Seriously Shamis, you're confused. You were claiming Waaqist few days ago and now an Atheist. Do you know what you believe in? What about your children?


Waaq is a philosophy not a religion. People started worshipping Waaq much later on.
Waaq is a philosophy not a religion. People started worshipping Waaq much later on.

You told us it is the oldest monotheistic faith few days ago You claimed that you followed it. Now, you're claiming to be an Atheist. I am not sure where you're heading with it, cuzz. :confused:


OK - I have no response for that - It could be a God or a philosophy. I chose the philosophical aspect of it.
I think Ciddharta is a mulitinicker; otherwise, when did he and I converse on any thing in SS? Not sure what is bothering this fella, but he needs to take that disgusting giff that he is throwing around. I guess he needs to bring proof on why I used these words: subhuman, AIDS-infested, & bakhti.

We haven't interacted but I've observed your behavior.

So, you haven't used those words or others like them?:mjohreally::patrice:
OK - I have no response for that - It could be a God or a philosophy. I chose the philosophical aspect of it.

You became extremist feminist to the point where you left Islam. I really feel bad for you. You should have advocated for women's issues, children, elderly, and all marginalized groups within the Somali society while you remained a Muslim. Since you're an apostate, it is too late now.

I will need to limit my conversations with you. Audubillaah, it is a tragedy that we see the unthinkable in cyberspace everyday.
Being Somali and a Muslim go hand in hand. One can't be a Muslim and be a Somali at the same time. You're either gaalo qurunley or a Somali Muslim. You pick your choice!
Ciddhartha aka SaciidAyaanle aka Indy, bring a proof or shut up. I am still waiting for that proof of three things - subhuman, AIDS-infested, & bakhti - that you accused me.
What are you on about?:lolbron:

I am still :):) @ how I busted that Waaq beliefs of yours two days ago. I think you no longer have that bubble on your head any more :ahh: Now, it seems you've moved on to VicePrez' camp. Don't worry I am cooking something as well and will be back insha'Allah with even more bust. I am pretty sure you do have deep feelings for me ina-addeer. I think I will need to launch a liberation move to get you out of that dangerous path.


I have been an atheist my whole life - Waaq is a new obsession and I want to research it and implement it into my life fully. But I will always be an atheist until I become a prophet for Waaq and it speaks to me and gives me clear direction in my worldly affairs. You've proved nothing, its all refutable.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Being Somali and a Muslim go hand in hand. One can't be a Muslim and be a Somali at the same time. You're either gaalo qurunley or a Somali Muslim. You pick your choice!
Islam is 1400 years old fuccboi, Somalis old af.
Your forefathers were gaalo qurunley just like yo grandbabies finna be.

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