Gay Leftists: “We’ll Convert Your Children”



Staff Member
You can't convert someone into a sexual orientation. The biggest gay supporters happen to be straight whites who don't like the same sex. In fact, I personally only know straight people who attend Pride.
You can't convert someone into a sexual orientation. The biggest gay supporters happen to be straight whites who don't like the same sex. In fact, I personally only know straight people who attend Pride.

We really got people in here who think being gay is normal because straight whites say so.


Staff Member
We really got people in here who think being gay is normal because straight whites say so.

Whites are much more smarter than you. Who are you to question the highly intelligent white man when you come from the most failed nation in the history of the world?

Your low IQ isn't normal.



im ngl this is a pretty funny troll from the lgbtq community LOLLL. Amount of people taking the bait

