Garowe Mayor Is Great Leader


I won't say a word bad about this guy if you think I am just a constant 'ball buster' ama 'spoiler'. This is the sort of quality I want to see in all PL government be it local government or PL government. We need to you know your plans and how you will implement it and the time it will be done so it isn't a 'dream' without a fix and measurable 'time period' to judge. I have never heard of a 'dream' or 'vision' with no tangible 'plan' that has 'time' measurement to it or else it is just a 'dream' with no plan of action.

Some of the things I like is his town plan vision, even tho I am not a fan that he said 'if the local govt needs land no matter how big or small, they have enforceable power thru legislation to take it from any private citizen'. However if our law makers have agreed to give the local government power to do this, I will follow the law. See that's how we are different in Garowe, we will follow the law and forget our 'cadifaad' hadi ay tahay sharci lagu heeshiyay oo la soo maray nidaamka dawladeed, not something that was passed by a 'hisbi' group like 'nabad iyo nolal'
Nice Garowe is growing but we should plant more trees, especially palm trees and a park is needed.

How tree-planting drones can plant 100,000 trees in a single day [January 2018]


