Gangistarnimo is not our culture!

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very lowkey
My thread went platinuuuuuuum.

That’s all i needed. I’m gonna bounce now!
I haven’t addressed Salafism yet, but I am planning on doing it. You’re 100% right on this one, arab appropriation is another big problem facing us. Especially those back home!

It’s odd how whenever somalis look for cultures to appropriate, they always choose the most degenerates of all cultures (arab and madow cultures). Bisinka! z3zrULC

I don’t understand how a group of people with such rich and beautiful culture, would want to trade it for something lesser.. Like are we sane?

Seriously, where is this low self-esteem coming from? I’m actually confused at this point. Somebody exblain to me.
Fully agree huuno. When I'm prime minister I will ban hip hop and ban Saudi culture. That will stop crime and extremism overnight.

Step one: Ban ghetto music, hoodies, sagging pants, baseball caps, and all that trash. Minimum six months jail term for anyone who breaks the law.

Step two: ban niqabs, jilbaabs, textbooks produced in the Persian Gulf, and preachers who've been educated by theocrats. Minimum five years imprisonment for anyone who breaks the law, and execution for repeat offenders. All mosques and schools should be under the control of the state so that no extremist can preach hate in the house of Allah.

I'm open to other suggestions for improving the country. Maybe we can meet at my place sweetheart and talk some more, preferably at night, and preferably alone. I will keep a spare bedroom vacated for you.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Hip hop is the most common genre of music in America among all youths not just Somalis. So is it really surprising that Somali teenagers (who probably are not that into Somali culture to begin with) will prefer it?
Than they are no different than a white Becky culturally appropriating Chinese culture


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I'm sorry but you're kind of ignorant if you think the Somali diaspora youth is going to uphold our culture. Do you honestly think the 4th, 5th, 6th generation Somalis in the west are going to be speaking fluent Somali and eat bariis everyday? No they won't. They'll eventually forget their origins and assimilate to create their own culture influenced by the people they're surrounded by. In this case, it seems like you've got a taste of the ones influenced by African American culture and their hip hop music.
4th 5th generation if that's the case how come you don't see Arab people forgetting their culture and creating their own culture what would make Somalis different?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I was debating on whether or not to make this thread for a while now. This topic has been bugging me for way too long.

I kept seeing the same patterns. Somalis dismissing their culture during these types of events and adapting to someone elses dhaqan.

I was hesitant to make it at first, because I knew many people on here would feel personally attack.

Most of the people on here are a part of the «gang gang» degenerate club, and would agree with the diluting of the somali dhaqan as they prefer the other culture.

But I had to say something.
Yes Somalis should stop glorifying black culture its toxic
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