'Gang Stalking, a hidden world and the persecution of Muslims and others (3)

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The ahadith inform us that we have our personal Qareen, a rebellious jinn, with us and he knows our inmost thoughts and the Prophet sallallahu aleihi wa salam has said that shaytaan flows through man like blood through his veins and it became clear to me that this was how it was happening, and that my Qareen was relaying my thoughts to others from amongst jinn and to these people who are involved in sorcery and calling upon the jinn, and also that the Qareen/jinn were transmitting messages to me (the 'whispers' that come to us in our minds similar to our own thoughts.)
- [ ] Allah informs us in the Quran about shaytaan using his voice to lure and lead mankind astray and tells us to seek refuge 'from the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who whispers in the hearts of mankind, of jinn and mankind' (Surat l-nas) and when the truth of what was happening became clear to me I also began feeling physical sensations in my body like twinges and pinches and jolts (pain is too strong a word) and similar to rumblings in my stomach which was the Qareen/jinn manifesting now that I understood the situation, as if to mock me but as I increased in reading Quran and made morning and evening supplications and the reciting the 3 quls a daily habit the strength of these pinches has massively diminished, as has the feeling of cerebral disorientation I felt at the onset of the manifestations and has increased me in love and gratitude for Allah and His Messenger salallahu aleihi wa salam and for the guidance of the Quran and appreciation of the importance of the Sunnah and morning and evening supplications.
- [ ] When I now read verses about how Allah tests some of us through others and the often repeated warnings about taking protectors besides Allah and how much emphasis Allah places on this it only increases my imaan, because I understand I'm now being tested in this and when I used to read hadiths about the times of fitna when trust would be lost and that a time would come when hypocrites will live secretly among you (trying to corrupt you) and the faithful will try to live their religion in secret among others (because they are oppressed in public) and that masjids would be full but not a believer amongst them I used to wonder how it could happen but now I see how real the test of this life is and that Allah has power over all things.
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Whomsoever reads this who is not a perpetrator from this criminal group, I sincerely advise you to be vigilant, however strange this may all seem to you- I don't know why there seems to be such a lack of information about Muslim victims of this crime on the Internet but I suspect its because targeted Muslims will feel too threatened and intimidated to even tell anyone, even as I type this veiled threats are being made at myself (cars honking horns and revving engines and sirens sounding outside and other veiled threats) or they may feel the number of genuine Muslims is so few that little can be done either way or information is being removed or hidden on the internet, so please copy and paste this post and inform others and post it on other forums.
A quick Google search of 'gang stalking Muslims' will even produce victim accounts and videos claiming it is Muslims that are doing the gang stalking-they may look like and appear to be Muslims but they are not Muslims, rather they are hypocrites so beware of this deception, and beware of the purposeful disinformation.

And whoever is already a target of these people, do not submit to them or obey them in anything, document the harassment in a diary, write to your MP, and keep to yourself as much as possible by withdrawing from all things that don't concern you as per the Hadith when the Prophet salallahu aleihi wa salam said 'the time will come when the one sitting will be better than the one standing, and the one standing will be better than the one walking, and the one walking will be better than the one running' -if you can, get yourself a discreet bodycam and remain at home as much as possible -and hold fast to Allah-glad tidings are for the patient ones.
I'm sorry i'm still confused about the purpose of this thread, are they saying muslims are raping again? because we are not responsible for arab males.

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