We are talking about a few KM of dhuldhaaqsi where you are not free to roam, you must be joking if you consider a few KM of gain a historic acheivement, MX gained much more, and we are still not relinquishing claim over those lands. Infact recently MX are moving back to their land and that is why you see a spike in clan violence.Reer diini didn’t just “leave” They we’re uprooted by an Cayr man Called Cabdille Guure, Cabdulle Faarxax Caddow. The mans reer abti were Reer siyaad but he sure did a number on Marehan to the point the fan south of webi Shabeele.
he once recited a poem to a man called Jaqe that was Dhulbahante and when the Dhulbahante man listened to the poem he got sick and died.
After that incident Cabdille Guure recited a well renowned Gabay in Central
“Waxaa samantar dhaandhoobo dhiil webi u dhigay, Jaqe-na daad raacshay
Daarood ninkii aan qabtoba waxaa daaldaliyey waxaan dusha nabar kaga dhuftiyo Doog aan ka aroorshay”
Samantar dhaandhoobo was reer siyaad diini and Jaqe was Dhulbahante. Samantar Dhaandhoobo was Cabdille Guures abti but Cabdille Guure made sure he kept mareexaan at bay and beat them to submission. He defeated the Marehans so bad that they all ran down south of Shabele river most of which died of Malaria, including samatar dhaandhoobo. He also emphasises on how much land “Doog” he took from them “Doog ka aroorshay”
Marehan were forced to run downstairs it wasn’t a choice. Whatever is west of Bulacle,Dhuusamareeb,Cadaado, Gelinsoor, Gaalkacyo, Matabaan was all their land but HG uprooted them from it. Marehan can revise history as much as they want they should know it won’t change to their Favor. Marehan are historic victims and will remain to be so.
At the end of the day you admitted those lands are not Iljeex land, so when news report your squatters have been killed, and I say rest in Jahanam, I am justified, and when you cry I tell you STFU you are moriyaan squatter on my land.