Galmudug Joins SFG

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That is great wallahi. My dad was adamant hadu hawiye heeshiyo somali waa heeshisay. Iyaga iska dileen kuwa ugu muhimsana dalka, haday taas ka gudbi karan, inta kale dalka taal waa 'arimo fudud' ileen wax la kala dile oo muhim aanba jirin. Plus this is great is the SFG can manage hawiye oo hawiye cadalad ku arko, waxay keeni karta tanasul dhinaca puntland marki dambe inu xal somaliyeed dhow yahay. Lakin intaysan hawiye qancin karin, dasturka waa ku qoran yahay puntland waa madax banan yahay.

In laga daba wareego wax la qoray ma aha, waxay muujinaysa in weli dad ba gadaal ka riixaayo oo suuqa madow iska raba, koley beeluhu dan kuma gaban sidan way ka heeshin karan waxooda in 2 seconds since there is nothing left to kill and we can agree to wait till the nation rebuilds. By that time, they will just be assasinations and dembiile lol like how it always was in Somalia. This is a new Somalia now which has brought us the xikmad of suuq madow which we never knew in the past and burbur, only a few have come out to convince us with wisdom about this era since we are not used to it. Islam mahamed was one of those definitely.

We love the hikmad and wisdom in Somalia, beeluhu sheeko science ma raban, taas wa arin dawlad, u need to know their culture to convince them. Arimaha scienceka waa dawlada dhinacisa. Thats why bob hawke in australia was loved dhaqankoooda buu yiqin plus they JUST LOVED HIM, you can't create that sxb. How many ppl love u outside when u go in the street? that can't be taught, they are one in a few and u shouldn't waste your time. Same with arafat, mandela, etc. Who cares u agree with them but their ppl LOVED THEM, something that is rarely achieved in any society. True statesman.


My dad is adamant hadu centralism shaqayn karo hana tusiyeen hawiye inay iyagu isku mamuli karan. He said we cant convince odayasha with proving them something. That's why my dad gave up on centralism, he said I LOVED IT also as this new system to us. We don't live like reer mudug but we have no choice now since the mentality in the nation is reer mudug.

My dad is adamant suuq madow is the policy of ppl behind Somalia. Waxay uu maran dhinaca qofka qabyalada jecel ama diinta jecel ama nooc kasta ha ahaate si suuqasi loo ilaliyo. The guys being used are simply tools but never told since maskax reer mudug ba ku rakiban ama maskax sacudiyan laga soo dhisay.

My father is adamant PL shud just focus on miyiga dhinaca xoolaha, kaluunka, iyo dahabka la sheegayo sanaag. Build our rural wealth while they maintain suuq madowga, never waste time. Its already been noted the informal economy SUUQ MADOW is the only want that has benefited from Somalia 1991 till now, it's OFFICIAL even at western standards.

My father is adamant inta dalka suuqisa madow la jojjin, its difficult to fix somalia, now nationki dhan suuq madow ayaa isku XIRMAY, waa isku dan. Dalka oo dhan. Way tashadan si dagaal la ababuulo. Intanan suuqa madow dhalan ayay xalka somaliyeed dhowa, which was the era my dad was trying so hard to help, it's too late now according to most unless massive exiling happens of business peoples oo dambiile qaran ahan loo arko oo loo sheego yaa kale BENEFIT ku leh idinka ahayn? koley magaloyinka waa dead boqol dollar bay sugan. Boqolkasi dollar bay naf moodeen, their very low iq the suuq madow like soweto traders.
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Why don't you let your father make an account here instead of saying "mY dAd SaiD tHiS & thAt" all over your threads warya :mjlaugh:


Why don't you let your father make an account here instead of saying "mY dAd SaiD tHiS & thAt" all over your threads warya :mjlaugh:

Why wud I waste time in a Suuq where 90% only get 100 dollars from abroad? when each camel costs 1k, each kaluun costs 20 dollars, or each dahab by the kilo is thousands of dollars? It doesn't make sense to my father, maybe u seem logic in it but he doesn't as he remembers the old somalia. Trust me the old guys just go MIYIGA, NOT MAGAALO

Cade muse told my dad(since he paid for his schooling rome) 3 ari bay gaban midkiba oo dibada looga keeno magaloyinka. Lets focus beesha miyiga he told him about dahab of sanaag. He said we must stay in rural areas till magaloyinka uu dhigman miyiga taasna ma imanayso illa dawlad ileen suuq madow ba jira and suuq madow is 3 aris wealth

He said all osman mahmoud know this and why they never came back siiba dadkooda dibada jogga. My dad went back to focus on the livestocks.
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U know what that means? 3 ari oo qoys dhan ku nool yahay hamar? abahay wallahi he said badiyo uu socoda. Take your 3 goats per family in the city away from me SHOOO waryaa @Teeri-Alpha Each person waa qayb yar oo adhi ah jeebkisa. Fuuck that. SUUQ MADOW only benefit is suuq madow low stock ppl.

Hanti ma aha guri baan gaba. Everyone has a home. Its what u have after according to my father that is wealth. Well in osman mahmoud world. Not you S

I am only worth 20k my car. Nothing else in assets. Plus salary 80k. That's 200 dollars a day. My house ma xisabiyo adeer, u need a place to sleep. I am worth about 3 aris with my salary PER PERSON. Much bettr then 3 aris per 8 people in house.
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We cant compete with the west. 5 camels per person a month. Plus a car. Puntland need to match that in rural areas by increasing camels. Increase the price on Saudis, where else are they going to go waryaa? we only got the last camel market alive. Get the frankincense game going plus fishery to diversify. We know what we need to do. DAMS, CUT THE PASTURES AND STORE, IMMUNIZE TO KEEP HEALTHY.

Stay away from the damn cities, not even a qayb ari ma gaban in spending power, waxaa dan ku gaba taas qof mangaab ah keliya.


We can't do the western experiment on ourselves. Our people need to know what is REALITY, they don't buy into bullshit dadka hore ama wax baro ama ha baran, realityga ayaa la raba oo la taban karo. They don't care how many degrees u have, u need to tell them something WISE and if u can't, well waxad ku dhimanaysa sida that puntland maxkamad sare guy who died, he DIED TRYING THO. Xal ma gaadhin but he spent his whole life on that matter. Cayaar ma taala somalia iyo degree baan haysta.

I wud prefer working poor farmers in ethiopia or kenya, haba iska liiteen lakin waa dadka 'degan' oo in-yar wax loo kordhin karo bit by bit as time goes on. Try convincing those nomads like islan mahamed did. U will get nowhere without WISDOM with them.


Doctorka ka xishooda he loves his dad
I respect that

I love to learn knowledge from anywhere. I don't care who tells me bro. I just want unbiased views. Past experience about what your talking about, and understanding if u lie like the old somali towns, u dont eat well in the city, since sumcad ayaa dad lagu qiimayn jiray. So there is shared purpose between them, they know they can't play games in a city that requires background checks, history, referrals, and connections and family ties. That's why old city type somalis know they need to be genuine about SOMALI as a whole. Plus he knows the miyi language also since he was born there. All somalia was miyi besides a few city.

I am not in somalia sxb, I cant sit with old type magaalo somalis, the miyi elders, and make comparisons. I only have my father as a source. Plus my ayeeyo who I used to quiz alot also and she is abgaal. I just put together what they told me over the years into coherence. Where u think I get the idea from ambuulo iyo bun? from my ayeeyo. She said boqol fataxa ayaa loo mara loooooooool. Lakin miyiga ay ku soo kortay wala dila qofka wax dila. This is was when their was courts and all that, imagine going from a culture like that with the invasion of HG who brought this miyi dhaqan? hence her dislike of HG even tho they killed her father, but they were killed too. Died of mysterious circumstances according to my ayeeyo, that is clear as day SOMEONE got their number.

My grandma did a shirib saying wacayslow cadow waa walalkay. Meaning he will revenge me since his in the miyi. Go f*ck with wacaysle in mudug loooooool, u will see ambuulo iyo bun wont work there. It's just differences. U need assimilate to cities not bring ur dhaqan. She never said a bad word about majerten, murusade, or any other clan who assimilated into the town and knew the rules. SHE HATED HG WITH PASSION tho, why? cuz her father was killed? maybe but after 91 she never liked to talk to that clan. Go to elbuur u think they cant bring that dhaqan to mogadishu? they could've if they wanted but they chose to assimilate murusadaha LIKE ALL SOMALI CLANS did. EXCEPT HG. xaduudo bay keeneen sida reer muduga uu nool yihin. Well guess what we will live like that as a nation now, thank u habar g edir we have no choice cuz the whole nation is reer mudug mindset. Did they create the idea? no, abdillahi did, BUT THEY MASTERED IT.

Then HG lost all their waxgarads, which now makes even harder to resolve. Geel uma aqbalayan kkkkk. Then u talking suuq madow interests. Then all the different mudug mindsets with now saudi mindset joining the chaos.
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Osman Kaluun waa wadani wayn weeye abahay buu yirahda. I said why? he said I made mistake of helping ssdf with money, siilanyo also did so we at same level. But that osman kaluun never did. He said hikmad difference, he must know something I didn't Hence he likes to listen to ppl that were WISER then him. He said it's not just him, but many people like abdirazaq haji hussein, adan cade, and many more even some 'sacad' best friends he had but their gone now he said. He said we dont talk to ppl we know cant change the status quo, its easy to keep the status quo how it is, its different story changing it. He said there is heaps in PL but their dying trying to figure out a solution like that yusuf guy working on maxkamad sare for all that time, lakin he knows he has to convince miyiga with wisdom about the maxkamad sare which MEANS CLAN ELDERS. so he basically died trying lol.

PL has the most wadani he means ppl who know how to put clan aside for somali. Meaning they can adopt both MINDSETS with genuine stakeholders, ppl with good sumcad THEY TRUST. not this farmajo type oo kale oo na lagu tijabinayo mar walbo.


If my dad is tribal why does he pay attention to cisman kaluun and says iga dami farole. Sumcada uu haysto kaluun isku mid ma aha farole. Farole wala arkay buu yiri, it's over now, we know his wisdom will lead to dangerous outcomes. Wala tijabiyay waa khasaaray, way racaysa illa uu ka dhinto isaga iyo carurtisa. He said they love the ones who never made a mistake, indicating they know more then themselves.

He doesnt listen to ali khalif. He listens to ahmed samatar. He calls khaliif tuug la arkay, mareeray, finished weeye sumcadisa and carurtisa in somalia, waana og yahay oo wuxu is lee yahay dagaalka ha daba dheerado. Percentage wise more wadanis in majerten then other clans, he means by the amount of people u can trust based on their sumcad. Doesnt mean other clans dont have any, its just less. Most have nothing to lose sumcad wise, they were already screwed. So its better they keep the status quo how it is like muse bihi, khalif, omar carte, etc. SYL was the same he said percentage wise all the ppl working behind the 13 mostly mj. they just shared the 13 council to make it somali face.

He said I only have 1 strike, how many do they have the ones running around somalia hence its pointless talking to such lower people. They got nothing to lose. Its better talking to higher ppl who were wiser. There are ppl he said that shud be in jail not aqalka sare. Iska daa hikmad inay ku sheegan, hikmadooda wala soo arkay, waxba inay ku darsadan dalka ma ahayn. They call morgan a criminal he was defending the government. He didnt steal one dime from the nation showing u his wadani. My dad said if he was in the nation at the time when he was abroad, he wud of joined morgan forces because he said he saw where the nation was heading to defend the govt. Morgan force was marehan it wasnt qabiil, waa arin somaliyeed

My dad said thabit is just kid saying taalo baan tuugo uu samaynaya ee snmta. This is why noone coming to somalia HONORING CRIMINALS. my dad said ssdf, usc, snm haloo dhiso taalo, iyaga haku mamuleen tuug tuug dhalay bay ahayeen welina waa doranaysan miyaa SUUQ MADOW 100 SANO KALE IDIN SUGAYSO. Criminals lama dhegaysto sumcadi way iska burburiyeen they got nothing to lose accept keep the status quo alive.
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Niin naar sugayso inaad talo waydistan waa adigo shaydhanka wax ii kordhi tiri, shaydhanka has nothing to lose talo lama waydisto waxba looma dhiibo. U guys in somalia r backwards. Abdillahi lama yeeli lahayn hadusan oran shaydhan baan ahay ee shaydhankasi ana aqane waa reer muduge, ii dhaafa si aan ku cibadaysto waxan dalka uu reebi. Thats why we left abdillahi alone. Abdillahi wuu is xaliyay, waxba buu reebay dalka loogu xusi doono. Dembigisana illahi taas ayuu la hisabtama.

Shaydhan ba fadhiso waqoyi iyo hamar oo dembiilayaal ka wada buuxo, naga fogeey illa ay is xaliyan. FEDERALISM IS THE BEST. Thats why my father said miyiga ayaa salada lagu tukda, xeer ba taalo. Magaalo waa suuq madow shaydhanka ayaa tukanaysan, its waste of time. Aqriso diinta shaydhanka meel xeer oolin buu fadhiya. Thats why my dad said he has to go miyi hadu dalka taago. Meel xeer oolin waa naarta weye. Hell is chaos, kala dambayn ma jiro, walays cuna. Same as magaaloyinka manta, maba jira xeer lagu dhaqmi karo.

ibnal adam ayaa sharci gabo oo lagu tijabinayo haday kheyr lee yihin iyo hadi kale. Lakin shaydhan sharci ma yaqano, waa chaos. This common knowledge abahay buu yiri dadka diinta wax ka yaqan. The human race goes to place oo xeer taalo sida qaxotiga uu cararan meel xeer taala. Bin adan ba joggo at least, meel xeer oolin bin adan ma joggo.

xeer ha noqoto mid adunyo, mid akhiro, waxay doonto ha ahaate waxay daanta xeer la'an waa naarta hosteeda. marku xeer jiro markasi ayuu illahi misaami kara qofku, lakin hadusan xeer gabin shaydhanka uu raca waa keleb ehlu naar oo xeer la'an ku fadhiyo. Xeerku waa mid af sida miyiga ama mid qoran. Abahay wuxu yiri qamri i yo waxasi la cabayo is not big deal wa dambi yar illahi cafin kara, xeer la'an ma cafin karo ileen waa shaydhanki loo balamay.

Abahay wuxu yiri in-yar oo 30 sano ayaa naar ku jiro somalida, inte kale halal weeye oo xeer haysteen waa dembiyo yar yar laga cafin karo. Kuwi tagay illahi haloo baryo lakin xeer la'anta naga daaya. Arimaha sharciga naga daaya ma joggo qof lagu kalsoon yahay oo umada islamka dhan midayn karo. Xeer aduun aan isku dhaqno. Diinta ilaliya illa mahdiga ka yimado ama islamka waa is dilaya siday ahan jirtay weligeed. Yan la wada babacin oo shaydhanka la racin.

We will fight like we always did in islamic empires, because we dont have trusted leader maybe cause he lacks religious wisdom. Lets just stop fooling ourselves. Muslims are people of law thats the only way god can measure us against the law. Not his wishes. Have u ever seen a person who has convinced a muslim all around the world about Islam and what it means? no we lack knowledge, we need to accept that. Its not islam fault, its our fault. Lets just wait for mahdi
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Islam ha lagu dhaqmo ama yaan lagu dhaqmin, hadi lays dilo, sharci ma taalo weeye, shaydhanka iska racaysan over what? your misunderstanding of religion and not able to convince people. Even I am not convinced by sheikhs, its rubbish wat they spew. I hardly bother with the mosque, jahil bala wareegay, doesnt mean islam is bad or im not muslim. A human must convince u, iska raca laguma oran in islam wixi dhan lagu sheego. When mahdi comes at least he will bring wisdom and make us all say alhamdulilah we finally agree and understood islam. Till then I aint lying to myself listening to sheikhs that dont convince me.

As long your under a xeer the shaydhan has lost in islam it doesnt matter wat xeer. U have laws and order and are not killing each other like he wants. He comes to destroy laws so he can send them to hell a place of no laws.
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I am different type of muslim doesn't mean im disbeliever like the saudis will tell u. I dont do things to impress god, i only pray to god because I NEED TO when im in difficulty, he doesnt need anything from me, he owns the whole fkn world. Its about what u do when u r lost religion. Even when im lost in psychosis w hich is my biggest weakness, i can handle other parts of life(except maybe bit of depression) but when i am lost, i turn to the quran sxb.

Am i perfect muslim no, but i wont join satan and kill myself or chase demons around either. I know when i lost the battle with myself that is psychosis. Some ppl are so arrogant they continue in their ways never surrendering like islam teaches. U NEED TO SURRENDER MARKAD YAABTID NOT BE A NABNAAB ABOUT IT

I will then visit mosques or sheikhs and say war raggow maxad cilmi haysan marku ninka yaaban ahay but when i am happy and coping fine, i dont need religion. I say alhamdulilah and thats it because i know religion helps me in my toughest moment. Its different for everyone, u cant force religion to be the same for everyone. They have to decide when they are no longer in charge and who they turn too.

everyone in life has their limits u need to know when yours is and what u do in that situation. God is here to help us sxb he dont need nothing from us wallahi, its bullshit that explanation.

Arabs is about camels niyahow, its way to identify TRUE ARABS. If u dont have camels in ur history your not a real arab. The way they explain it now is color and language. That doesnt mean we need to be connected to the arab world and do as they say. We need to be independent we live in africa and thats the truth and reality. We dont share same problems as them so their solutions wont work.

ARABTA KALE PERSIAN AYAA LA WAREEGAY SXB...ANAGANA AFRICANKA. HENCE AFRO ASIATIC ITS LINKED BRO. Thats why we cant get along with africans on the continent and the arabs cant get along with persians. Two different dhaqan weeye. Dhaqan is same mindset and we more linked to arab mindset then african and u know it. arabs separated. Some went africa, some asia,some as far as china. All the places were an empire existed. they blended in with those ppl but not the mindset.

U notice the persian culture its about 'romance' and talking sweetly and impressing ppl that their smart. African culture is about women and sex. Where-as we think long term about our kids and clans future. Arabs were also like that keeping their rural wealth alive like camels vs the poor farmer but at the same time knowing their is benefits in civilization and dedicating some of their children inside those society to learn the city ways. Never investing too much into ONE PLACE.

I am fairly certain we can take over africa, we nearly did with our military. We didnt get any assistance or allies. We need to now focus on taking over thinking wise, we can do it. We love studying as a culture. Its not about harming ppl that matters, we dont need to threaten ppl. Just take care of ourselves and make sure we stay alive for the future. Nothing else, leave something for our descendants thats all it is not going around THREATENING POOR FARMERS like we used too in history.

It's easy to go and loot shit and take it back to miyiga and develop wealth but never earned it. Our history has been a violent one from the beginning, we turned this into our culture constant AGGRESSION. See farmajo all he thinks is army. All Somalis think like this. Its about the past this shit. let it go we dont want any wars and they wont f*ck with us CUZ THEY KNOW HOW WE ARE SET UP NOMADICALLY.

In all fairness to farmers even tho their poor cuz of their trade is worthless they did the hard work laying down civilizations, we never did. We just came in a looted thats all our culture is an AGGRESSIVE ONE. We must keep a miyi presence that's our strength to threaten people, we are in small camps, never in one city, and their viciously brave compared to your silly farmer gone soldier. While our cities can focus on what cities do PROGRESS and create stuff for nomads, it's not their job to do such thing their not settled.

farmer aka become settlers in the end, they did the hard yards ABAALKOODA lagama qaado. Just now all u need to do is reap all that and stop threatening ppl like the past in siyad days.We need to get along with the world or we will have people interfering in our affairs using our little criminal suuq madow warlord criminals of the past and our wadaads gone ROGUE.

Some societies are built for wars like nomads, some are not and build for settlement. Two different goals. U need to appreciate that.
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All we have to do now is settle, learn, and create to help our society and its strength. These settlers have build big weapons now and winning the edge on nomads of the past. We need a plan for nomads keeping their culture intact as that's strength the viciousness but a settlement plan that ensures our minds are being used like settlers. Combine brute plus mind=success. They can only combine mind but no brute cuz lets be real, when ur settler you get comfortable, even I am guilty of this and run when i see bullets or fights.

Lets not adopt the arab model, it was disastrous now naago loo arka cuz their settled completely hence being bossed around. No edge anymore on their soldier quality. The weapons can be created if humans settle and combine ideas. We must not let our last edge go, it needs to be maintained. City/rural ratio.

One reer miyi soldier oo hubka loo siman yahay iyo tirada will eat a settler up into piece. Maybe 10 to 1 nomad if all things are evened out. Arimahasi israel/falastin faraha kala baxa waa arin illahi uu taal. wax aad adigu ka gaban kartid malaha. mar arab ba haysan doono, mar europe, mar pharoah, illahi ayaa uu qoray inay sidasi ku jiran. Gacmaha ka laabta and work with Israel at least XEER BAY LEE YIHIN. Ilahi ayaa balan ka qaday israel hawl noo taal ma aha. Hadu ciqaabayo iyo hadu uu naxarisanayo anaga hawl noo taal ma aha naaga carurteena inay badbaadan ba noo darane.

Illahi ayaa ku daalay israel, marka inaad adigu waqti iska lumiso waa ceeb wayn. We shud work with israel to benefit ourselves only not bother their asses, that place is always going to be a nightmare. Falastine naga daa warkooda xeer ma gaban waa ehlu naar weeye, meel xeer oolin maxaa ku daba dhigay, waxaa loo dira moryantina inay ka fa'idaystan meelahasi oo kale.

Illahi sow tu yiri yahud waa madax adag yahay isma dhiibo, marka why adigu isku waalaysa inaad badesho, they have convenant they say between them n god, only god can deal with them NOT U. Anaga waaba is dhiibna markan yaabno they dont sxb their is difference.
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Prophet Muhammad was a miracle wallahi marki loo eego dhibka hayste. He came from a society just like ours nomadic and there was no real peace between the tribes and no common faith. This is a nightmare situation. At least he brought some peace to these ppl.But what's amazing is he wasn't even literate meaning he didn't even know about what god was like most of us don't UNDERSTAND IT. We go around thinking big sky daddy and all that. Only jews were literate and still not repentant I guess, they were given it all and still refused loooooool. I wud hate to live in a society where I don't know about god cuz who wud I turn too if im distraught or sad or whatever or when I lost? the man was a genius, at least for us we can turn to quran and calm down, he had no quran in all that mayhem.

Most ppl wud commit suicide in that sort of situation.
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