Galmudug Is Father Of Federalism


I know this will hurt Puntlanders. But we are only the Mother of Federalism. We gave birth to the first regional government and then the first Federal government. But every birth 'requires' semen and a father. Who is the father? koley 'garac manahine' ama 'cirka kama soo degin' fekerku. This federalism idea has roots in 91 Mogadishu with Aideed. We must honor this and respect this and not deny it. He told each clan to go back home and he said Hamar is tribal territory for Hawiye. This was the 'seed or semen' of federalism. He brought the idea, not PL. PL would've continued in centralism if this idea of 'go back to your tribal lands' wasn't mentioned in 91.

@Dues Ex Machete has inspired me who actually 'blames' HG for 'tribal warfare'. It's true, before tribal warfare, if it was just insurgency, we would've remained in Mogadishu as darod clans and noone would've thought about 'federalism' and we would all be working on a strong central state as Dues loves. But since that 91 debacle, even Marehan Elders have 'tanasuled' forget the kids on SPOT, ask their elders are they PRO federal or Pro central and you will see the answer is overwhelmingly pro federal. It's hard to ignore sxb.

So let's give HG their rightful role of 'father of federalism' and PL it's rightful role for turning that idea into a government system that we can cooperate inside with. From today on-wards I will consider HG the 'founder' OF Federalism. But the mother is always PL who actually turned it into a working model with regional governments being born and the Federal government in Mogadishu. We never 'envisioned' this idea of tribal territories, only AIDEED DID. Thanks Aideed, today The north west and north east is developing rapidly due to your idea or else it would've been 'gaari-wa' and non developed. Let's not hate 'visionaries' is what I am saying. I don't hate aideed like the kids of diaspora do, I see him as a visionary at the same level of 'sayidka' who brought this idea of somalinimo to begin with. I haven't seen a single 'visionary' in PL, we just 'adapt' and create 'govt models' we are 'good siyasi' not 'inventors'.


The only 'vision' that ever came out of PL that is unique and not seen in other parts of Somalia besides 'warsangeli sultanate' is the 'majerteniya kingdom'. Nothing else can be said is a Majerten invention, don't let them fool you into thinking their better then you. Majerten are only good at 'adapting' and then becoming 'no 1' in the vision that usually comes from someone else. Wa very quick to change and learn the new vision and create structures for it. They are good and properly the best SIYASI in Somalia. But not INVENTOR.

I know myself personally I lack 'visionary' ama 'aragti' cusub ma keeni kari, I need the 'vision' established first and I work great then into creating suitable models. I have this problem also. We need to seek 'visionaries' from all over Somalia. Look at @Bohol he is the first in the spot who turned on his clan and tested their unity. I just 'copied' him and did it to Majerten. If Bohol didn't exist, I wouldn't of done this and would've continued with the FLOCK on external FKD. I must give the honors of the vision to Bohol and HY, but I adapted quickly to that vision of bohol and I am mastering it. While you other Somalis are nowhere in the fkn ballpark. Majerten catches up give them that at least.

Where-as Bohol should've taken of his vision and said all the clans of Somalia do this, he didn't. He kept it to himself, and then I stole it and I could claim it but I am not haram boy, I respect and tanasul for xaqqa, illahi ba ii jeedo.
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I noticed how @Dues Ex Machete holds majerten responsible for some aspects of the war but he also holds HG responsible for other aspects of the war. He doesn't totally blame MJ for all of it sxb. He knows SSDF was a centralized govt focus, they had no intention of 'federalism'. They had a 'democratic' agenda only to displace siyad barre and go back to the POLLS. The SSDF were more inclined to pick up Somalia and follow on from 1969 which was the SYL government and seek the presidency/pm spot that way. They had no intention of 'every tribe go back to where you from' and even my nigga DUES know this.

They had no intentions of 'bililiqo or massacring clans' becuz if they did they would've done so in 'balanbale' looooooool. They were an insurgency group with a total government agenda not a tribal cleansing agenda nor a federal project agenda nor a secessionist agenda. They just wanted to displace siyad barre and pick things up from 1969 and head to the polls again since they also had a democratic vision remember it was called SOMALI SALVATION DEMOCRATIC FRONT. So democracy was apart of their agenda.

HG however their intention was every tribe goes back to where their from, hence this tribal federalism has it's roots from AIDEED vision. It wasn't a PL vision, they just adapted and created the first regional govt and then spearheaded the first federal government. Yes 'way dhaleen' federalku, lakin 'abaha' ma aha. 1 person can't be father/mother of a child, you need 2 people at all times. PL waa hal qof keliya waa hoyadi. Ma noqon karto abaha at the same time. This requires a different INDIVIDUAL. I found that Individual in Aideed in 91 who brought this idea.

There you go Somaliyay. You now know who is the father and mother of this FEDERAL project.


Make Hobyo Great Again
I know this will hurt Puntlanders. But we are only the Mother of Federalism. We gave birth to the first regional government and then the first Federal government. But every birth 'requires' semen and a father. Who is the father?
According to the doctor, this is how federalism was born.

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