Galmudug And ASWJ Peace Talk Fails



Wadahadalladii u dhaxeeyay Galmudug & Ahlusunna oo fashilmay​

Nofeembar 14, 2021 5:03 g 0
Wadahadalladii u dhaxeeyay Galmudug & Ahlusunna oo fashilmay

Generaal Abshir Aadan labo Afle ayaa sheegay in dhammaan qodobadii ay wadeen in ay diideen Ahlusunna ay sheegeen in marnaba aysan aqbali doonin wax wadahal ah oo ay la galaan maamulka Qoorqoor, maadaama dhawaan lagu qaaday dagaal Culus.

Waxaa uu xusay in hadda wixii ka dambeeya ay ka dhex baxeen , islamarkaana ay u taallo Ahlusunna iyo maamulka Galmudug sida laga yeelaayo xaaladda Ammaan ee deegaanka.

“Dadaal dheer ayaan sameynay saraakiil ahaan, waxaan Bohol joognay 12-maalmood si aan raga halkaas jooga uga baajino in dhiig dambe daato balse way naga diideen wax kasta oo aan xal ahaan u wadney iyagoo ku adkeystay aragti aan soconeynin oo uu horey u sheegay hoggaamiyohooda, waana kasoo laabaney.”

Taliye Laba-Afle ayaa uga mahad celiyay Madaxwayne QoorQoor sida uu fursadan u siiyay, isagoo sheegay in go’aanka nimankaasi laga qaadanayo yahay mid u yaala dowlada iyo cidii amniga shuqul ku leh.


@Bariire @Galmudug-State @bidenkulaha Prepare for another round of battles. ASWJ demand Presidential/PM system and GM has rejected. ASWJ were represented in Garowe 1 and 2 constitutional talks and is a legal entity.

GM wa labo dawladood wax isku darsaday and require a proper power-sharing. Ahlul Sunnah is the machine and GM is the 'face' and it shall remain like that or else wallahi another 500 HG ayaa dhimanayo.


Veni Vidi Vici
Galmudug is at wrong here. Why bother negotiate with those who ain't willing to. As someone once said, "Don't NOT negotiate with terrorists"


True Puntlander
@Bariire @Galmudug-State @bidenkulaha Prepare for another round of battles. ASWJ demand Presidential/PM system and GM has rejected. ASWJ were represented in Garowe 1 and 2 constitutional talks and is a legal entity.

GM wa labo dawladood wax isku darsaday and require a proper power-sharing. Ahlul Sunnah is the machine and GM is the 'face' and it shall remain like that or else wallahi another 500 HG ayaa dhimanayo.
I advice to shift talks to Galgayio been hosted by Puntland.



Ahlusunna oo beenisay inay diideen wada-hadallo xal raadin ah​

Nofeembar 15, 2021 6:27 b 0
Ahlusunna oo beenisay inay diideen wada-hadallo xal raadin ah

Cabdisalaan Aadan Xuseen Madaxa siyaasadda Ahlusunna ayaa sheegay in aysan jirin diidmo ay ka muujiyeen in la wada hadlo balse Janeraal laba Afle uu u sheegay hadal ah in la leeynaayo ama ay isaga tagaan degaanka Bohol.

Cabdisalaan oo la hadlay Idaacadda BBC-da waxaa uu sheegay in Ahlusunna ay mar walba ay wada-hadal diyaar u tahay ugana soo baxday degmada Guriceel ee Gobolka Galgaduud, halkaas oo ay kula dagaalameen Ciidanka dowladda iyo kuwa Galmudug.

Waxaa uu sheegay in janeraal laba Afle uu sicad ugu in sheegay in Madaxweyne Farmaajo, Madaxweyne Qoor Qoor & Ra’iisul Wasaaraha aysan u diyaarsaneyn inay wada-hadal nala furaan balse kaliya uu go’aankoodu yahay inay bohol isaga tagaan ama la laaynayo, taasina aysan aheyn dhex dhexaadinimo.

”Janeraal laba Afle wuxuu ahaa Nin aysan jirin cid soo dirsatay oo Wasiir ka tirsan Galmudug ayaa horay u cadeeyay, madaxda Galmudugna wada-hadal ma rabaan, anagana inaan nabad rabno waxaa cadeyn kuu ah Ahlusunna oo 15km u jirta Caasimadda inay ka warsugayaan Culimadii iyo Ganacsatadii dhex dhexaadinta waday ayuu yiri” Cabdisalaan Aadan Xuseen.


@FBIsomalia it's in PL interest we back ahlul sunnah to run GM affairs either formally or informally we don't care. They are anti-shabab and have always been welcomed as a representative of GM in garowe 1 n 2 constitution talks. This nonsense they are terrorists is all lies or why were they present in the constitution talks in Garowe?.

An Ahlul Sunnah run GM will ensure the SFG can never use GM to attack PL, but these hand picked daba dhilifs for Mogadishu will always do as they're masters say.

We must as Puntites back ahlul sunnah for our security interest be it from SFG or Shabab.


True Puntlander
@FBIsomalia it's in PL interest we back ahlul sunnah to run GM affairs either formally or informally we don't care. They are anti-shabab and have always been welcomed as a representative of GM in garowe 1 n 2 constitution talks. This nonsense they are terrorists is all lies or why were they present in the constitution talks in Garowe?.

An Ahlul Sunnah run GM will ensure the SFG can never use GM to attack PL, but these hand picked daba dhilifs for Mogadishu will always do as they're masters say.

We must as Puntites back ahlul sunnah for our security interest be it from SFG or Shabab.
Correct, ASWJ was great ally to us. But also qorqor made peace with us, thanks for that mudug in peace.

So my advice to invite both teams to Galgacyio and make peace accord.


@FBIsomalia QoorQoor will get Farmajo Qatar money and pay GM MP'S to vote for Farmajo so he can still stay in power, this isn't in our interest. Anything created in Mogadishu is usually anti federalism and we must never welcome them whether they come in peace or war, they are all the same to me.