Gadaffi Green Book

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I do agree partly with that, I want candidates checked off as they can impact on all our lives with their stupidity, you can be free to be a clown it's your choice is what gadaffi said but a clown with power is impacting all of our lives.

Capitalism part I don't know about, his saying we will get so rich eventually money won't be a problem, that's dangerous idle minds and idle hands leads to a dangerous situation, no order, no need, no heirachy means having billionaires none taking each other order. Who is gonna do the streets, clean, the normal grind of life? if there is no need by people anymore noone will do it cause we all billionaires. I think he got that part wrong.

Even America aint a full representative democracy, they got their elder council also checking candidates off as the last point but even if America didn't do that, people would say it's bad. It's A WISE THING TO DO.

There is gonna be problems in our democratic system, we need prevention not responses. We definitely need shared development strategy federal level over key areas that noone can mess around with, each govt comes and just does the BAU stuff like water, school, energy, food, housing, etc.

Only messing about is who can do cheaper and quicker with same quality desired. We need speed sxb with just enough safety so we don't crash. We need corruption ended, seriously though not just words and fancy commissions. U get caught and wanna take the risk and when audited(by number of agencies for cross references while their bank balances are reviewed, conflicts of interest like tribe, friend, etc) if caught something need to happen that is serious I suggest china social credit system after jailing them. You lost your points not for life but you can recoup it like the driver licenses.

Imagine having a culture like that where ppl are like what's your social credit like. We just gotta becareful around the rich ones who create jobs, we could be hurting them also indirectly. Imagine sending gates to jail, you hurt the nation in the process.
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Maybe with the rich folks i mean the ones who actually create jobs that are SIGNIFICANT, we tell them keep it low and if it affects the values we are built on and is starting to challenge it with ppl losing faith, ur leaving now your not worth it the instability and mistrust that come from all that. U will never see the rich getting justice even in history, I haven't come across one no matter wat society.

That's pretty big statistics your trying to fight against, not one society has ever arrested or harmed their super rich in society. I don't even recall mohamed doing it anywhere.


I hope we sit down with not only the rich but all areas with strong people following. The religious, teachers, media, workers, businesses, you know the key pillars in the society and one by one cut deals that are unique not this up and down or us vs them within us. I want them all to know it's gonna be honored and it wont be up and down ride but a team working together.

You know like 10 year arrangements that's long worth the investment or whatever they see as good or indefinite and being reviewed as things change with consensus. The only time we need to get political about money is when we targetting around 'insurance' areas foreign policy places we need back up(alliance type nations based on values not political system), creating hands for diplomacy. survival group investments the ones we agree not on much but i respect ur happiness u respect mine and do shared things to defend that from threats on either of us, opening up new market countries ONLY when we exhaust our own.

The ideal situation is value countries in bed, back ups with countries with not much agreement but we can agree on ill respect ur home if u respect mine. Countries with similar political systems its weak form of alliance just because u hold the same views dont mean that house is stable. I know many conservative or liberals who still hate each other inside their own homes among their own idealogy.

But what we can agree on in somalia regardless of our views is there 8 billion out there and even 2 people cant get along in a house, imagine that x 8 billion and the mess. We need a policy, if we can agree on that, that's a start. Everything u identify inside a home, is gonna happen outside also, the outside isnt separate from the house, it's still in the same environment.
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their will be conflicts though between our lifelines and prioritizing is critical now. Maybe we can place hearts on heart alliance and see how its coming together thru visuals half heart a quarter heart its scalable sxb waxani untill it full heart and define what that is. Same with minds(scalable), stomach same deal. The jack pot is the heart n mind in full operation but some will have the mind but rotten hearts(no values) and vice versa really.

Ever met a nice person soul mate but u not same mind set then someone who is similar minded by vastly different heart or values. same applies on the world stage and alliances sxb. But I place the heart at the top, why? me and my mum dont think the same but we have the same heart, she will die for me, the guy with the same mind wont if the heart aint the same.

I would consider oman far closer to an ideal somalia then say india even though we vote. I wud prioritize oman first. ppl can be different opinions sxb but if their home is happy, how can u overlook that. I can look at the oman guy and say u know the end goal is being HAPPY and happiness requires human rights, you did it, I did it, we got there differently, who cares now lets back each other to defend that happiness and our values even though different ways of getting there but u got there.
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