Gaas Vs Camey - Farmaajo's Turmoil reaches Puntland

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Abdi Weli Gaas in an interview that was conducted stated that he will attend the Kismaayo conference held by Ahmed madoobe to oppose Farmaajo's meddling in all federal states while praising the agenda of the conference.

Shortly after his statement Camey comes out to indirectly rebuke Gaas statement telling reporters the opposite of what Gaas said that the conference is not in the interest of Somali's, he said this after a meeting he attended in Mogadishu were he was handsomely paid by Farmaajo

The eyes are now on Gaas on what he will do next, it looks like Camey is attempting a coup with the backing of the federal government and the faroole loyalists that can't stand Gaas! the question is will he weather this storm like Xaaf did ?

Farmaajo's only allies are the pro union Dhullo's and the rest of MX/Murursade which they are using for destabilisation.

This is not the first time Farmaajo government has tried to destabilise Puntland, here below is the Garaad Saleeban openly opposing Farmaajo for organising an Anti Puntland conference where he invited all the Dhullo's, Warsangeli and the rest of the minorities in Puntland for an uprising.


You care for Puntland's stability, now? Suck out of here man. Puntland and Puntlanders, are well behind and supportive of Mr Cheese.

As for Camey, that homeless Beggarbante, should focus and work on the state of his people. The guy cant even enter Butthole'le, without being shot at.
You care for Puntland's stability, now? Suck out of here man. Puntland and Puntlanders, are well behind and supportive of Mr Cheese.

As for Camey, that homeless Beggarbante, should focus and work on the state of his people. The guy cant even enter Butthole'le, without being shot at.
Inshallah i should send letter to camey to send more of your kind back to the south. puntland is for puntlanders not homeless southy!!

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
Abdi Weli Gaas in an interview that was conducted stated that he will attend the Kismaayo conference held by Ahmed madoobe to oppose Farmaajo's meddling in all federal states while praising the agenda of the conference.

Shortly after his statement Camey comes out to indirectly rebuke Gaas statement telling reporters the opposite of what Gaas said that the conference is not in the interest of Somali's, he said this after a meeting he attended in Mogadishu were he was handsomely paid by Farmaajo

The eyes are now on Gaas on what he will do next, it looks like Camey is attempting a coup with the backing of the federal government and the faroole loyalists that can't stand Gaas! the question is will he weather this storm like Xaaf did ?

Farmaajo's only allies are the pro union Dhullo's and the rest of MX/Murursade which they are using for destabilisation.

This is not the first time Farmaajo government has tried to destabilise Puntland, here below is the Garaad Saleeban openly opposing Farmaajo for organising an Anti Puntland conference where he invited all the Dhullo's, Warsangeli and the rest of the minorities in Puntland for an uprising.
Gaas, Madoobe and sakiin are concerned if they will survive like haaf. Pretty sure non of them has the support of the citizens, for example, Gaas, he doesn’t have that much of a support, Faroole has
More support than him becaus of the fake money gaas have been printing lately.

Madoobe has now support from mx, gaaljecel, shiikhaal and the others jubaland clans.

Sakiin barely has any support, he is seen as a dictator.

But haaf had the support of Galmudug citizens from abudwaq to cadado to hobyo to galkacyo. And he has the support of the constitution because he has been in office last than four months and the president has to be in office 6 months to get removed.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Abdi Weli Gaas in an interview that was conducted stated that he will attend the Kismaayo conference held by Ahmed madoobe to oppose Farmaajo's meddling in all federal states while praising the agenda of the conference.

Shortly after his statement Camey comes out to indirectly rebuke Gaas statement telling reporters the opposite of what Gaas said that the conference is not in the interest of Somali's, he said this after a meeting he attended in Mogadishu were he was handsomely paid by Farmaajo

The eyes are now on Gaas on what he will do next, it looks like Camey is attempting a coup with the backing of the federal government and the faroole loyalists that can't stand Gaas! the question is will he weather this storm like Xaaf did ?

Farmaajo's only allies are the pro union Dhullo's and the rest of MX/Murursade which they are using for destabilisation.

This is not the first time Farmaajo government has tried to destabilise Puntland, here below is the Garaad Saleeban openly opposing Farmaajo for organising an Anti Puntland conference where he invited all the Dhullo's, Warsangeli and the rest of the minorities in Puntland for an uprising.

Only a matter of time before Camey runs to Hargeisa. Hopefully Hargeisa won’t act as a refuge for anymore runaway Dhulbahante
lol more pathetic propaganda by the anti-peace elements.

What exactly is propaganda? in the clip above Gaas welcomes the Kismaayo conference and says he will attend, his VP contradicts him after getting his marching orders from Farmaajo in Mogadisu, saying the complete opposite.

Both their statements and audio are out their on several sites now, Camey is clearly going for a coup with the backing of Farmaajo, there is no place to hide, it's time to pick a side here, your either with the Farmaajo/Camey coup plotters or your with uncle Gaas.

Kkkkk Xaaf got knocked the f*ck out, he did not weather the storm

Xaaf survived a very well orchestrated coup plot while he was out of the country, he fought back in a resilient way, his enemies got fired or resigned fleeing for their lives, he was up against more then just his VP unlike Gaas as well as the 2 clan's leading the government that hold important positions.

Gaas is up against nothing in comparison. Time will tell if Gaas will be able to do the same, I do not support this coup plot but it's very clear you do based on your own comments on that other topic quoting Camey to refute Gaas statement.

You have no integrity whatsoever, you opposed the government up until the Qalbi Daghax betrayal when you began to support them, and now you support the coup plotters in your own federal state, this is how the likes of you are humiliated by supporting the destruction of your own state.

I did not support Xaaf until these shameless destabilisation attacks were started by the SFG, someone like Shirwac that I supported could not have handled such a situation because he is too dacaad, you need a seasoned veteran like Xaaf to handle those wicked Tuugo that are out to install their candhowadaag puppets in each federal state like they have done in their own administration.

You care for Puntland's stability, now? Suck out of here man. Puntland and Puntlanders, are well behind and supportive of Mr Cheese.

As for Camey, that homeless Beggarbante, should focus and work on the state of his people. The guy cant even enter Butthole'le, without being shot at.

No I couldn't give a shit before, but right at this time a successful Camey coup backed by Faroole loyalist will hand Armaajo victory and bolster his campaign to unseat others so they could install their candhowadaag crew in each federal state, which I categorically oppose.

He already failed in Galmudug and by succeeding in Puntland would mean he would get them into war with Galmudug, just as they previously paid mercenaries to kill the peace deal signed between Gaas/Xaaf to start another war which failed because of Xaaf diplomacy.

The exact same tactics were used by the SFG to kill a previously signed peace deal with ASWJ which General Galal exposed, Xaaf clearly learned his lesson from this.

You are the only one so far that is opposed to this coup plot, the rest are all in hiding.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Xaaf is only supported by HG Sacad/Saleebaan. He has alienated Marehan and Murusaade and has failed to bring Cayr into the fold. Galnus is an absolute failure
Puntlands Letter was exponentially Diplomatic go read it again. "we ADVICE" , we "URGE" & "government need to reconsider". They dint follow the Moryaan outlook stating they were cutting ties as such Goverment cant do much but to negotiate. Puntland is also much more stable and not as poor.

Look at the new brillant hirshabelle leader Mohamed Abdi Ware hes against policies of the Government but he even recognizes the government authority.

what GALMUDUG and SOUTH WEST es dont understand is you can be against policies of a government and still not undermine them, instead you have Fiqi and other moryaans from the region kidnapping the VP and calling for the destruction like animals.

Far to long Somalis have been one issue Cry machines. We need more civic classes.
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Abdi Weli Gaas is fighting for his leadership, he has received tremendous funds from the Saudi's and Emarati's so he could stop the motion against him being sponsored by Farmaajo and Camey, the coup attempt is getting more and more interesting everyday.

Camey and Farmaajo are getting funds from Qatar to unseat Gaas from his position with backing from the faroolist camp, will the motion be brought to the parliament and pass ? looks like Gaas may not survive this coup attempt unlike Xaaf.

Xog gaara oo ay heshay Wakaalada ayaa sheegeysa in Madaxweynaha Maamulka Puntland Cabdi weli Maxamed Cali Gaas uu Lacago aad u badan uu ka helay Dowladaha Imaaraadka iyo Sacuudiga u balanqaaday Xildhibaanada maamulkaasi oo maalmahaan la hadal hayay inay Mooshin kasoo wadaan.

Dowlada Qatar ayaa la sheegay inay maalgalineyso sidii xilka looga tuuri lahaa Madaxweyne Gaas, waxaana xildhibaanada maamulkaasi loo balanqaaday lacago aad u badan hadii ay ridaan Madaxweynaha, balse waxaa qorshahaasi fashiliyay Gaas oo kulan la qaatay Xildhibaanada Puntland isagoo u balanqaaday inuu siinayo lacag aad u badan.

Wuxuu ka codsaday inay ka laabtaan Mooshinka la qorsheynayo in maamulkiisa laga keeno, wuxuuna kulanka intuu socday ugu baaqay xildhibaanada inay ka feejignaadaan dhagar uu sheegay inay Puntland u qooleyso Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya uu ku eedeeyay inay burburineyso maamul Goboleedyada.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee Dowlad Goboleedyada dalka waxaa si weyn u saameeyay Khilaafka dalalka Khaliijka kaasi oo xumeeyay Xiriirka Dowlada dhexe iyo iyaga, sidoo kalena qaarkood ay xilalkooda ku waayeen arintaas, halka kuwa kalena loo qorsheynayo in xilalka laga tuuro.


DHAGAYSO: Sir Xoogan oo la helay C/Weli Gaas & Shariif Xasan oo Shirqool udhigaya Farmaajo, Arinta Galmudug & J/Land

As always the cowards @Cotton Eyed Joe @Abdalla @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Cognitivedissonance @Thegoodshepherd are no were to be seen.
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